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Friday, March 16, 2012

Rock Hill's Moody a Finalist For Greenville County Job


Greenville Co. Narrows Search For New Superintendent

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Update: March 15, 2012
Greenville County School District named three finalists in their search for a new superintendent. All three were approved by the Board of Trustees following a special meeting.
The three finalists, listed in alphabetical order, are: Dr. Lynn P. Moody, superintendent of Rock Hill School District Three of York County, South Carolina; William Burke Royster Jr., the deputy superintendent of Greenville County Schools, South Carolina; and Dr. Eugene G. White, superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools, Indiana.
“Selection of a district superintendent is a school board’s most important decision,” said Board chairman Roger Meek. “We have chosen three highly qualified candidates to be considered to be the next leader of our school district.”
So what's next in the selection process?
Each candidate will spend a day in the district during the week of March 19th. The candidates will meet with community leaders, the district's executive team and drop-ins hosted by the school board so parents, students and teachers can meet them.
The candidates will then go through a final interview with the Board of Trustees.
Once that's done, the school board will meet on Saturday, March 24 to discuss the finalists. A new superintendent will be named shortly afterwards.

Originial Story: March 12, 2012
The Greenville County School Board starts interviewing superintendent candidates this week.
District officials say they have 72 applications from across the nation.
The interview process is made of a selection of finalist whose names will be released to the public within the next two weeks.  Then, the candidates will spend a day in the district and meet with the community.
The board plans to meet on March 24 and announce a new superintendent soon after.
Their selection will replace retiring superintendent Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher.

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