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Monday, March 26, 2012

Youtube in Classroom?

The topic of Youtube came up during the Rock Hill School Board's last discussion on personal technology devices in schools. It came up because the school system blocks access to youtube. Over the course of three years they (district administrators) have used the following reasons for blocking: bandwidth limits, teachers don't want it, content. When youtube came out with an education channel they said the Cisco blocking software had a problem and bandwidth.  I am sure there is an element of truth in all those reasons.

I am also sure education leaders will utilize any tool that will help educate the 21st century learner. Where there's a will, there's a way. The test of a leader is someone who can lead people where they think they don't want to go (and like it).

Click here to go to the Edudemic blog site and read about why teachers should be using youtube in their classroom.

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