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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dutchman Creek Middle School - A School To Watch #rockhillschools

The faculty, staff, students, and families of Dutchman Creek Middle School are proud to announce that the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform and the South Carolina Middle School Association has named Dutchman Creek Middle School as a National School To Watch!

This award is the equivalent of "The Heisman" for innovative middle schools in the nation!  The Schools To Watch initiative recognizes schools based on the following guiding principles of high-performing middle schools:
1. Academic Excellence - challenging students to use their minds
2. Developmental Responsiveness - being sensitive to the unique developmental challenges of early adolescence
3. Social Equity - demonstrating democracy and fairness while providing every student with high quality teachers, resources, and support systems
4. Organizational Structures - having established norms, structures, and arrangements to support and sustain a trajectory towards excellence

The school will receive state recognition at the South Carolina Middle School Conference in Myrtle Beach (March 1st -3rd) and will receive national recognition at the National Schools To Watch Conference in Washington D.C. (June 27th-29th). It is the second school in Rock Hill Schools, following Castle Heights Middle School in 20120,  to receive this prestigious honor.
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

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