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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

#iRockrh Presentation to #rhschoolboard on Monday

The Rock Hill School Board will be presented with the Administration's plans for going forward with iRock on Monday, December 10, 2012. You can see what was previously given to the board by clicking here. The presentation will be in a work session, immediately following the December Business Meeting in the Training Room at the district office. The meeting should begin around 6 pm.

While I don't know many details, I would not be surprised if the new iRock plan is a little different from the one located on the iRock website.

This is what I'm expecting to hear:

It's not about iPads. It is about implementing Common Core (The train wreck heading toward us) and utilizing online content and assessment which will make the process easier and save money.

It's not about iPads. It is about individualized instruction which will help  students that are now left behind. This is accomplished  through the use of online resources and assessments utilizing the teacher as coach and personal instructor. It is about allowing students who excel - to  not be held back by slower students. It is about moving the bar up for all students and setting aggressive achievement goals.

It's not about iPads. It is about communication and collaboration at the school level. It will be about empowering teachers and staff to created and share ideas and information. It is about setting high standards, works of excellence, and having our students collaborate and share around the world.

It's not about iPads. It is about defining excellence and rework until we achieve it. It is about bringing in outsiders, as well as community members, to help us on our journey.

It's not about money.  We have to find a way to make this work within our existing budget guidelines. And this is the painful part, we have to prioritize and devote resources to different areas. We have to do this if we hope to achieve something different.

So, if you think iRock is only about iPads - you should come to the presentation on Monday.

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