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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rock Hill School District News For 12/12/12 #rockhillschools #rockhill

Congratulations to . . .
vKaty Sheppard, a kindergarten teacher at Sunset Park Elementary School, who has been chosen by the Palmetto Chapter of the International Reading Association. as its Distinguished Teacher of Reading for the Rock Hill, York, Lancaster, Chester, and Clover school districts. Katy will be honored at the SCIRA banquet in February.
vWally Blankenship, a science teacher at Rock Hill High, on his selection as the winner of the 2012 Rock Hill Tree Commission Award for his tree planting work at Rock Hill High. In the 20 years that the award has been given, Wally is the first educator to be recognized.
Holiday Coat Drive
South Pointe and Northwestern High Schools are competing to collect clean used and new coats, blankets, gloves and “new” hats. Bins are located at both schools, but items can also be dropped off at Shomars in the Galleria Mall. (Just remember to include the name of the school which should receive the credit.) The competition began on Dec. 10 and will end on Dec. 14.
Breakfast with Santa

Santa and his elves from Sunset Park would be delighted to have breakfast with you this Saturday at Fatz on Herlong. 
Computer Basics
Rock Hill Adult and Community Education will offer a Computer Basics Class Curriculum at the Flex Center from 5-8 pm January 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The class includes Microsoft Office 2010 components, copying/pasting, email essentials, Skype, Internet safety, music topics, web tools, and applying for jobs online. For details, contact Brett Taylor at
Attention: Sullivan Parents
Sullivan is the recipient of a 21st Century Learning Grant which will allow the school to offer an after-school program for students in grades 6-8 beginning in January.  An informational meeting for parents will be held at 6 pm Thursday, Dec. 13, in the school’s media center.
Kids Caring for Kids
vMembers of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the National Honor Society and the Beta Club at Rock Hill High collected over 125 boxes of needed items for Operation Christmas Child, and 25 students volunteered at Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child Processing Center on Dec. 7. The Bearcats also collected over 200 canned food items through the school’s media center “Food for Fines” project for a local food bank.
vClub S.O.S. (Students Organized for Service), comprised of fourth- and fifth-graders at Finley Road Elementary School recently sponsored a Clemson/Carolina competition for students to bring non-perishable food to donate to the Salvation Army and Pilgrim’s Inn. While the competition ended in a tie, over 1,000 food items were collected. Co-chairs of this effort were teachers Tammy Potter and Michelle McGuinness.
Calendar Committee
A calendar committee to determine potential calendars for school year 2013-14 will meet for the first time on Dec. 13. The committee, chaired by Elaine Baker, is comprised of three administrators, 3 high school students, six teachers and four parents.
In the Dec. 7 “update,” it was mentioned that Clay Flowers is the art teacher at Dutchman Creek when, in fact, Carmen McKee Deas is the art teacher.
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

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