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Saturday, February 23, 2008

District News for Feb. 23

Compiled by Elaine Baker, District Three Office

<Tickets for the March 1 Jazz Discovery Music Festival at Northwestern are
now on sale and going fast. Steve Smith's Jazz Legacy is the featured artist
this year. Tickets for the 7:30 p.m. performance are $20. Orders can be
placed at

<Lesslie Elementary will celebrate birthday #102 on Thursday, March 6, with
a drop-in from 1:00-2:00 in the media center. A scrapbook highlighting the
first 100 years at Lesslie will be unveiled.

<Freshman Academy teachers at Rock Hill High will hold a National History
Day Family Night Drop-in on

Feb. 27 from 5:30-7:30 in the media center. Student exhibits will be on

<The automotive technology lab at the Applied Technology Center needs three
automobiles to use as demonstration models. The vehicles do not need to run,
and they will not be returned. Those who wish to donate a car and receive a
tax deduction should contact Jeff Shmanske.

<The York County Education Assn. will host a legislative forum at 6:00 p.m.
on March 6 in the Dinkins Student Center (upstairs) at Winthrop. Mike
Fanning will tell "what's happening in Columbia that could impact you."

<Lesslie fifth-grade teacher, Jennifer Camp, and Saluda Trail eighth-grade
teacher, Davonia Freeman had students selected as district winners in the
Lt. Governor's annual writing competitions.

<The Palmetto Reading Council will hold its spring meeting on March 13 in
the Magnolia Room at Laurel Creek. Chris Soentpiet, an author/illustrator of
children's books, will be featured.

<Congratulations to Karen Percival and Tracy Shuckhart, from Old Pointe, and
Susan Cook, from the ATC, on receiving $2,000 teacher grant awards from Best

<Hats off to school board member, Walter Brown, who was recently cited by
the S.C. School Boards Assn. for "convincingly defeating S.C. Center for
Grassroots & Community Alternatives President Thomas Simuel in a recent
debate at the RH Freedom Center. Brown effectively stated the potential harm
any voucher or tuition tax credit program would have on public education in
S.C. and overwhelmingly won support from the audience."

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