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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

District Three Feb 5 News

Compiled by Elaine Baker - District Office

Feb. 25 through Mar. 7 will be the dates for "rounding up" children for the first year of school. To be eligible for programs for four-year-olds, kindergarten, and first grade, students must be age 4, 5, or 6 on or by Sept. 1, 2008. Applications will be available in all elementary schools and in the district office. Students who are currently enrolled in a district program will automatically be enrolled at the next higher level.

George Hampton, director of transportation, has announced that activity trip mileage costs will rise to $1.32/mile effective July 1. The increase is a SDE rate increase due to fuel costs, and it will impact all schools, athletic departments, music groups, and everyone who schedules a field trip.

The district's new Assoc. Supt. for Administrative Services, William "Bill" Mabry, is now on the job. Bill received his bachelor's degree from Clemson and his MBA from Winthrop. He has worked in three school districts, most recently in Sumter 17 as assistant superintendent for finance.

At 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7, York Technical College will present "Black History Through Music" in the Baxter Hood Center. Maurice Williams, of Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs fame, will be featured along with Ironing Board Sam. Admission will be free!

Hats off to Michael Waiksnis, an assistant principal at Castle Heights, who writes for three education blogs, most notably NASSP's Middle View. Of special interest is Michael's blog on a three-step process teachers should follow for using data. Check it out at

Feb. 28 is the deadline for applying for a fellowship to study the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln. Fifty teachers nationwide (full-time kindergarten through grade 12) will receive fellowships for this summer. To apply, go to

Congratulations to teachers and students at Saluda Trail who successfully sponsored two canned food drives. Challenged to model the IB MYP (Middle Years Programme of International Baccalaureate) community and service area of interaction, teachers met—and surpassed—a $300 goal set by Pilgrim's Inn to sponsor a mobile food bank. Junior Beta Club members sponsored the "Souper Bowl of Caring" and delivered 2,312 cans to the food pantry at Pilgrim's Inn on Feb. 1 and presented a check for $1,344 to Pilgrim's Inn on Feb. 5. 

Rock Hill High, in conjunction with Charles Craig, will present "A Night of Jazz" on Feb. 29, featuring saxophonist Sherman Irby.


In conjunction with

Charles Craig Arts and Education


Picture (Metafile)


Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra’s

Picture (Metafile)

A Tribute to Rev. Dr. Willie G. Boulware

Rock Hill High School Auditorium

Friday February 29, 2008  at 7 pm

Doors open at 6:15 pm

General Admission $7.00

Donations will be accepted for the Dr. Willie G. Boulware Foundation

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