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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February 25, 2008, School Board Meeting

Following a discussion as to whether Sunset Park Elementary should return to a traditional school calendar, the discussion was tabled. Board members want to be certain of all ramifications that returning to a traditional calendar might entail. This would include student assignment or reassignment to Sunset Park. The next discussion is anticipated to be held in March, possibly at the March 10 work session.

In other business, the board...

*listened to Jeff Nicholson, a parent and President of the school improvement council at South Pointe, as he spoke in favor of the board's moving forward with the plans to build a field house at South Pointe;

4Northside Elementary School of the Arts on its selection as a National Creative Ticket School of Excellence by the Kennedy Center. As a special treat, students who plan to perform at the Kennedy Center in early March performed two songs for the board.
4Linda Crute on her selection by the S.C. Art Education Assn. as the 2007-08 Principal of the Year;
4December 2007 National Board Certifiers;

4minutes of the January 28 and February 11 meetings of the board;
4personnel recommendations;
4field trip requests from Saluda Trail, South Pointe, Northwestern, and Rock Hill High;

*heard Supt. Moody make the following announcements:
4Feb. 25 through Mar. 7 are the dates for parents to enroll their children in preschool for four-year-olds, kindergarten for five-year-olds, and first grade. Applications are now available in all elementary schools and at the district office, and enrollment can take place any school day between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Brochures on the first-year-of-school enrollment went sent home by elementary students last week.
4Wednesday, March 5, will be a late start date. All schools will open on a two-hour delay. Parents who need to drop off their children earlier than the regular start time need to notify their child's principal on or before March 3.
4The next work session of the school board will be held on Mon., Mar. 10, at Rosewood Elementary. The meeting will begin at 5:30 in the school's media center.
4All schools and the district office will be closed on Good Friday, March 21.
4The annual Gala, sponsored by the Rock Hill School District Foundation, will be held on Thurs. evening, Feb. 28, at South Pointe High, beginning at 6:30. The Gala is the Foundation's primary fundraiser for teacher grants. A wonderful meal by Outback Steakhouse and entertainment by student groups will be provided.

*watched a PowerPoint presentation on Adult Education provided by Sandy Andrews (director), Lori Grant (teacher), and Mike King (transition specialist). It was stated that 1,042 students were enrolled in

the program during school year 2006-07, and that 151 high school credentials were awarded. Ms. Andrews stated that an important goal of the program is to raise the awareness of the GED program.

*listened to Assoc. Supt. Harriet Jaworowski give an update on the status and highlights of the Literacy Expectation Guide. Dr. Jaworowski stated that every teacher, K5-grade 5, will get a copy of the guide during staff development sessions which begin next week. She stated that the guide, based on research and best practices, provides a framework on how we teach reading and writing in our schools, and that it will be a great tool, especially for new teachers. The board was immensely complimentary on the guide.

*decided to postpone further deliberations on the South Pointe wrestling room/field house project until the board's work session on March 10. Board Chairman Bob Norwood expressed his disappointment that the local newspaper has taken a negative position on the project before the board has even made a decision on the project. Supt. Lynn Moody reminded the board that the project is not just about a wrestling facility, but rather about a facility that could be used for wrestling, cheerleading, other sports, and for physical education instruction.

*heard Board Chairman Bob Norwood review topics discussed at the board's work session on
February 11. Items included a report on the results of a comprehensive salary and staff study and the school bus advertising program introduced by the S.C. Department of Education.
*approved second reading of policies AC (Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity), DFAC (Fund Balance), JB (Equal Educational Opportunity/Nondiscrimination), JBCC (School Choice), JI (Student Rights and Responsibilities), and JII (Student concerns, Complaints, and Grievances);
*approved first reading of policies IJOB (Community Resource Persons/Speakers), IJOC (School Volunteers), and KGBA (Student Mentoring Program).

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