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Monday, February 25, 2008

Is New Gym Necessary?

Many of you have read the editorial in Sunday's Rock Hill Herald ( ). The paper makes
one good point, have board members explored any alternative proposals for
spending that money - and that is something the board will have to discuss.
The board has already been presented with a need to modernize Sunset Park
Elementary School - what other projects need to be done? Since this money
must be spent on capital projects - what about combining these projects with
the District Three Stadium Project, which frees up stadium money, originally
earmarked for District Operating expenses, to be used on the 2008-09 budget.
District Officials are already dropping hints there may not be enough money
to fully fund next years budget. Also, what items have been dropped from the
current capital spending? Should any of those be added back? Many items
were dropped from the South Pointe Capital project - some had to be added
back the first year from the operating budget and some - such as the third
gym, were to be added back when funds became available - Yes - the third gym
was in the original plans and had to be dropped because of capital spending
limits. The paper makes light of the board's commitment to provide equitable
facilities at all the high schools - but this has been one constant message
from the community for the past 10 years. Is now a good time to revisit?
South Pointe parents have been very patient as our district learns to
operate a "three" high school system. Many times they've been told to "wait
until next year".

This is not the same thing as the District Three Stadium Improvements. It is
different money intended for different purposes. Never-the-less, the
question needs to be asked, can we provide facilities for less money. That
answer is always yes, but it must be balanced with the expectations of the

Two last points. The District Stadium at South Pointe can be used by all
the schools in the district. The fact the other schools choose not to, is
not South Pointe's problem. In fact, this was brought out in the District
Three stadium improvement discussions last summer. How can one stadium be
getting more wear now when we have 3 schools and two stadiums (verses two
schools and one stadium). You do the math. Mismanagement of facilities
shouldn't be an excuse for spending tax payer dollars. The Board's intent
for the District Stadium South, was to eliminate wear and tear on District
Three Stadium.

South Pointe already has a strong wrestling program. In fact, they have many
fine programs - on par or exceeding those of cross town rivals Rock Hill and
Northwestern. The Herald continues to think this is a two school town. It's
time for them to update their thinking.

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