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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Andrew Dys Blasts York County's Hard Working Teachers!

I hesitate to write this, after all, the main point of Andrews article was to implore people to get active in their government, something I strongly support, but, Andrew demonstrates a problem of getting involved when you don't know what you're talking about.

In Sundays, Raise your voice, politicians might listen article in the Rock Hill Herald, Andrew Dys goes on a rant about Rock Hill and York County's school districts (other than Fort Mill - where Andrew's children attend). Here is part of what he said,

In a long letter to the editor this week that ran Thursday, the Rock Hill schools superintendent wrote, buried deep in the middle of an explanation about the district not having enough of your money, that the district has "scheduled meetings of York County school district finance officials and superintendents to discuss options to maximize funds by working together."

Does that bureaucratic double-talk mean these people are going to discuss consolidating the four school districts in York County?

By almost any statistical measure, Fort Mill is outperforming Rock Hill and every other district in this state. What Fort Mill parent wants to have their district fall to a standard, to results, lower than what they have? Not me.

The quality of education in any district is the relationship between the student and the teacher. Test scores are usually a better indicator of economic status than the quality of the education system. As has been pointed out many times by the Anti-public education blogs in South Carolina, Fort Mill has the best demographics of any district in the state (more students with parents with college degrees - for one) - they should be comparing their performance to Chapel Hill in North Carolina.

Never-the-less, Fort Mill is a very fine school district, as are the other school districts in York County - and Fort Mill's School Board could very well be better than Rock Hill's - but to say that Rock Hill's 1,200 teachers are inferior to Fort Mill's just wont plow. Andrew needs to go to school to learn how to define quality schools and standards.

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