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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rock Hill Schools Information for February 19, 2009

By Elaine Baker

This Weekend . . .
Performance by District Honors Orchestra
Saturday, February 21
7:30 p.m. in Sullivan Auditorium
Open to community—no admission

"Chance for Hope" Awareness Day
Saturday, February 21
South Pointe High School
Walk for Autism, 1:00-3:00 on the school track Student Talent Show, 7:00-9:00 in the auditorium
Sponsored by Early Childhood II students of Jenná Wilson at the Applied Technology Center

District Seeks Accreditation
Rock Hill Schools is seeking district-wide accreditation from the Southern Assn. of Colleges and Schools. An 81-page self-assessment report can be found on our website.

A team of 9-10 educators from outside the district will visit in Rock Hill Feb. 22-25 to determine if our schools pass the Quality Assurance Review. Team members will interview board members, teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents and will visit Independence, Old Pointe, Rosewood, South Pointe, Renaissance Academy, Central Child Development Center, Ebenezer Avenue, India Hook, Northwestern, Northside, Children's School, Dutchman Creek, and Sullivan. The district will learn if accreditation has been granted at a called board meeting at 1:30 on Feb. 25.

Honors Choir to Perform
To celebrate the coming of March, which is "Music in Our Schools Month," the newly organized Middle School Honors Choir will present its first concert at 2:00 p.m. Feb. 28 in the auditorium at South Pointe. The choir is comprised of auditioned students from all five middle schools. Guest conductor will be Randy Imler, associate professor at Winthrop University. In lieu of an admission fee, donations to support the continuation of the Middle School Honors Choir will be accepted.

Emergency Notices

When the district needs to make a special announcement, such as closing or delaying school, it will place the announcement in red on the front page of our website. This new technology tool will only be seen when there is a message that needs to be announced!

Due to state testing, the March 11 late start day has been cancelled.

At 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 23 the Applied Technology Center will host its annual FAFSA night. (The FAFSA form must be completed for seniors to receive financial aid and scholarships for college.) Parents should bring their completed 2008 tax returns and additional financial paperwork. For details or to register, call Paula Hobbs at 981-1199

Math and science departments at Sullivan Middle School will host "Family Science and Math Night on Thurs., March 5, from 6:00-7:30. Science and math teachers will offer hands-on activities for families to complete together that are tied to S.C. standards, share information about the PASS test with parents, and Rex Smith will present a session in the auditorium titled "Brain Freeze."

The choral department at Rock Hill High School is planning "Eat to the Beat," a dinner and performance at 6:30 Saturday night, Feb. 28, at Neely's Creek ARP Church. For $15, patrons will enjoy a delicious dinner and a 30-minute program of light music presented by the Concert Choir. For tickets, contact Mary Ann Helton, choral director, by the close of the school day on Feb. 23.

Enrollment for 4-, 5-, and 6-year-olds for school year 2009-10 will begin Feb. 23.

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