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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feb. 23rd Rock Hill Schools Board Meeting Notes

The Rock Hill School Board took the following action at it's February Business Meeting on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009:

-approved the minutes of the Jan. 26 and Feb. 9 school board meetings; personnel recommendations; overnight field trip requests submitted by Northwestern and Rock Hill High; change in board meeting dates in April and in May; and approved financial and procurement audits for school year 2007-08; Vote was 7-0

-approved capital budget requests totaling $4.3 million. Included were repairs to the Rock Hill High and Northwestern High tracks, asbestos removal, paving, and roof repairs. Vote was 7-0

-approved the transfer of $3.1 million from the capital budget into the operating budget to help make up some of the current and expected funding shortfall from the state. Vote was 7-0.

-approved first reading of policies GCC/GCD (Professional Staff Leaves and Absences) and GDC/GCC (Support Staff Leaves and Absences). Vote was 7-0

In other business, the board;

recognized the 2009 South Carolina Class 4A Duels Wrestling Champions from Rock Hill High School;

recognized Family Trust Federal Credit Union for the four decorative banners which are now flying outside the front entrance of the district office and ATC students of Derrick Crenshaw, Tammy Harrelson, and Mark Dellinger who designed and constructed the new monument signage on the front lawn of the district office;


recognized the 30 newest National Board certifiers.

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