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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rock Hill Schools Work Session on Monday, February 9, 2009

The Rock Hill Schools will hold the February School Board Work Session at Dutchman Creek Middle School on Monday, February 9, 2009 – beginning at 5:30 PM in the Media Center. The proposed agenda is as follows:

  • Presentation by Dutchman Creek Middle School with Principal Norris Williams in charge. Expected time is 30 minutes.
  • Results of an audit conducted by Elliott Davis, LLC will be presented with Elaine Bilton in charge. Expected time is 30 minutes.
  • Elaine Bilton will present the timeline for the 2009-10 budgeting process. (5 minutes)
  • Bill Mabry will give an update on the budget so far. (15 minutes)
  • Luanne Kokolis will review the academic assistance guide. (15 minutes)
  • Beckye Partlow will review proposed changes to District Policies GCC/GCD and GDC/GDD. This policies deal with absences. (10 minutes)
  • Luanne Kokolis will review proposed changes to School Visitors policy KI-R to allow for classroom observation/visitation. (5 minutes)
  • Harriet Jaworowski will review the upcoming SAC’s accrediation visit. (10 minutes)
  • Lynn Moody will ask the Board to move the April Work session to avoid a conflict with spring break (5 minutes)

A few Audit Highlights are:

Expenses for Fiscal Year 2008

  • Instruction 58%
  • Support 37%
  • Interest & other 4%
  • Community and intergovernmental 1%

Lunch Revenue Sources

  • Federal Government $4 million
  • Lunch purches $2.35 million
  • State Government $0.009 million

There were 130, 468 more meals purchased than the previous year but revenue fell short of expenses by $0.58 million.

The school district had $164 million in expenses and reduce its long-term debt to $184.3 million.

The budget calendar is as follows:

2/9/09 Planning provides Finance Department pupil projections by school for 2009-10

2/26/09 Begin meetings with each Principal to discuss staffing and budget needs for next year (Finance, instruction, and personnel). Budget forms and instruction packets distributed to school Principals and Department Heads.

3/20/09 Budget requests due to Finance Department for compiling

3/23/09 Board of Trustees presented State and District revenue projections for 2009-10 as information

4/27/09 Board of Trustees presented any updated State Budget information.

5/26/09 Budget presented to Board at a Public Forum

6/22/09 Board of Trustees adopts Budget

SAC’s (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Accreditation) Visit Information:

2/22/09 – Board dinner with Review Team

2/23/09 – Board interview by Review Team

2/25/09 – Called Board Meeting to receive Review Team report.

The Administration Presented a list of Capital Projects to the Board for Review. Those projects are:

Location Project Estimate

ATC Replace Generator $100,000

District Office Pave Parking Lot $250,000

District Wide Mobile Classroom $ 75,000

District Wide Voice over IP Centrex Phone System $150,000

District Wide Card Access $575,000

Ebinport Asbestos Abatement $250,000

Flex Center Upgrade HVAC $550,000

Lesslie Roof Repairs $295,000

Northwestern Fan for Mini gym $ 6,000

Northwestern Carpet for E office $ 8,000

Northwestern Carpet for Auditorium $ 25,000

Northwestern Replace track $750,000

Rock Hill High Replace track $750,000

Rawlinson Rd. Convert classroom to science lab $112.000

Rock Hill High Front Office Remodeling $100,000

South Pointe Weight Room sound panels $ 20,000

Sullivan Renovate all restrooms $ 75,000

Sunset Park Repair Roof $255,000

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