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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rock Hill School Board Tables Technology & Operations Bond

The Rock Hill School Board met for the May Business meeting on Monday, May 18, 2009 at the District Office. The Board approved the consent agenda (minutes and field trip) with a 7-0 vote. The personnel report was passed with a 7-0 vote after it was taken out of the consent agenda for an explanation on why some vacancies were being filled. In a surprise move, the Board tabled the $5 million bond for technology and operations (vote was 7-0) because there was not adequate explanation for why the money needed to be spent next year. The Board has traditionally rubber stamped this request but current economic conditions have forced the Board to review all expenditures.

The administration presented their proposed budget for next year. After some discussion, the board requested the administration to cancel the public presentation of the budget scheduled for June 8 because more work was needed.

In other business:
-the Charlotte Observer All-Star Scholars were recognized. They were;Enzo Martinez and Sarah Matthews from Northwestern High School; Laura Arthur and Justin Call from Rock Hill High School; and Sarah Ann Boyd and Nicholas Graham Tuttle from South Pointe High School.
-the World Champion Drum Rollers from Rock Hill High School were recognized.
-Bryan Coburn, South Carolina Teacher of the Year, was recognized and he made a few comments (promising to return after his one year term is up)

The following announcements were made:
-the district retirement dinner will be on Friday, May 29. 34 employees will be honored.
-summer school information is available on the district web site.
-high school graduation will be on June 6
-the student engagement conference will be June 16&17 at Dutchman Creek Middle School.
-40 vendors were at the summer fare held at the Cotton Factor. Special thanks to Williams & Fudge and Family Trust for organizing.
-the district participated in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library "bowl-a-thon" this past Saturday. The event raised over $20,000.

The administration made a presentation on the progress of the Sunset Park Center for Accelerated Studies. They have a 54% gain in student enrollment.

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