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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rock Hill Schools Post Budget Questions on Web Site

You can access the document by clicking here. Or view the questions below:

Budget Issues

What is the difference between a contract and a letter of agreement?

A contract defines a particular job that is to be performed and gives the employee certain job protection rights specified in law. A Letter of Agreement (LOA) defines the terms of an at-will agreement which can be terminated at will by the employer or the employee. A Letter of Agreement does not carry job protection rights.

What is a furlough?

The word "furlough," as described in current S.C. legislation, refers to the ability of school districts to decrease the total number of contracted days for teachers, administrators, and other employees. Teachers may be furloughed up to five days in fiscal years 2008-09 and 2009-10. For each teacher furlough day, administrators must be furloughed at least two days. Salaries are then decreased according to the number of days furloughed. For instance, one teacher furlough day equals 1/190 or .53% of annual salary, and two administrator furlough days equal 2/260 or .77% of annual salary.

What is attrition?

Attrition is the loss of positions through resignation or retirement.

How much state funding has been lost or decreased for Rock Hill Schools?

Since July 1, 2008, state Education Finance Act (EFA) funds for Rock Hill Schools have been decreased approximately $5,813,000. Education Improvement Act (EIA) funds have been cut five times since July 1 for a total of approximately $1,100,000.

Is there any other way to get funding for programs or projects?

There are many grants that are available. The district will continue to apply for grants and encourage employees to do the same.

Will student field trips be restricted next year?

Student field trips must align with standards and curriculum maps. The purpose of the trip and intended outcome must be shared with the school administrator when submitting a field trip request. Out-of-state and overnight travel will be restricted and reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

What do you mean by "being family friendly"?

While the district has lost revenue and may continue to do so, there are no plans to cause families, who are also struggling financially during this time, to pay more for school supplies, fees, or school lunch, etc.

What is the effect or impact of federal stimulus funds?

The stimulus funds currently being debated for education in S. C. may mean the difference between a base student cost of $2,324 with the stimulus, or as little as $2,034 without these funds for a difference of about $5,000,000 for Rock Hill Schools.

What has Rock Hill Schools already done to reduce costs?

Unfortunately, reducing costs in a school district is difficult during the year because student schedules are set and, generally, employees must be replaced if a vacancy occurs. However, during this fiscal year, we have implemented the steps listed below:

1. Reduced travel

2. Reduced department supply allocations by 5 percent

3. Reduced school allocations by 5 percent

4. Placed a hiring freeze on non-critical positions

5. Reduced printing costs

6. Moved school equipment allocation to capital funds

7. Reduced after-school tutoring

8. Reduced overtime for employees

Will there be a standard student instructional supply list next year?

Yes, supply lists for school year 2009-10 will be placed on school and district websites no later than June.

What is the average cost per pupil for Rock Hill Schools as compared to the state average?

The average cost per pupil in Rock Hill Schools for 2006-07 was $8,088 as compared to the state average of $8,577.

Why is Rock Hill Schools continuing to improve facilities in view of the budget crunch?

Construction funding comes from one-time revenue streams created specifically for each project and thus legally obligated to be used only for those respective projects. Operating or day-to-day expenses recur on an annual basis, so they are funded by revenue streams that replenish themselves each year.

Can TERI employees be released?

Rock Hill Schools is working diligently not to release anyone on short notice at this time. As we look to next year and beyond, all options will be reviewed. TERI employees must be treated the same as any other employee until they end the TERI program. Once they end the program, they are treated as any other at-will employee.

If employees, other than teachers or administrators, volunteer to take additional days without pay, will their jobs be in jeopardy when the economy returns to normal?

No, but employees should discuss any request for leave (paid or unpaid) with their supervisor for scheduling purposes.

Did you consider raising Challenger fees to cover all costs? If so, how much would this have been?

Raising fees was not discussed. However, for the program to be self-supporting, an increase in tuition will probably be needed. Recommendations from the Challenger Review Committee are expected by mid-June.

Fort Mill has an outside group (Springs Complex) running their after-school program. Have you or would you consider allowing an outside group manage after-school programs in Rock Hill Schools?

This is a possibility, but we will be looking first and foremost at the recommendations that will be made by the Challenger Review Committee.

In your Challenger press release you mentioned $75,000 would pay for two classroom teachers. In past years, you've used $60,000 as an estimate for a teacher's equivalent salary. Which is it?

Like all school districts, Rock Hill Schools employs beginning teachers along with veterans. The $75,000 mentioned would come close to paying for the current salaries for two beginning teachers, as well as the district's share for retirement, worker's compensation, and social security.

Will the substitute teacher budget be reduced significantly next year? How will classes be covered when teachers are out?

Each school will have a sub allocation. When that is exhausted, principals will work with teachers to determine how classrooms can be covered.

Can retired teachers volunteer to sub for teachers and not be paid?

The issue of people "volunteering" and not receiving pay for a job for which others do receive pay could be a Dept. of Labor problem. The district has also contracted with Kelly Educational Staffing to provide daily subs, so allowing unpaid volunteers to sub may entail additional contractual issues.

If employees have a question, to whom should they send it?

Questions from employees are encouraged. They should be submitted via e-mail to Elaine Baker in Information Services (

Who will respond to questions asked by employees?

Responses will come from individuals who are the most knowledgeable in the area in which the question relates. However, all responses will be reviewed by the superintendent before they are published.

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