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Friday, May 15, 2009

Spratt Announces High School Art Winners

Spratt Announces High School Art Winners

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) announced today the winners of the annual high school art competition, An Artistic Discovery.


The contest drew 37 entries from 7 schools in the 5th Congressional District of South Carolina. Marie Cheek, Associate Professor of Art at Clinton Junior College, Rock Hill, judged this year's show. The Arts Council of York County co-sponsored the contest.


Spratt opened the exhibit at a public reception on May 3 at the Center for the Arts in Rock Hill. He was joined by Cheek and Debra Heintz, Executive Director of the Arts Council of York County.


"We are very proud to be part of this nationwide art competition, which provides Members of Congress an excellent opportunity to showcase the talents of their creative high school constituents and acknowledge our nation's gifted young artists," said Spratt, a member of the Congressional Arts Caucus.


"Since this competition was created in 1982, hundreds of high school students have participated at the local level. The first place winner will have their winning entry displayed at the U.S. Capitol for one year, and will be eligible for scholarship opportunities from the Savannah College of Arts and Design.


"This remarkable exhibit represents the combined efforts of the members who conducted these contests and the talented students who participated in this exciting competition," Spratt said.




First Place

Katherine Keener, Northwestern High School, Rock Hill

Title:  "Memories"

Medium:  Colored Pencil

Teachers: Kim Grant, Jessica Calloway, Sandra Queen


Second Place

Chelsea Walker, Fort Mill High School

Title:  "In the Darkness"

Medium:  Colored Pencil

Teachers: Judith Vokes, Susan Miller


Third Place

Ashley Adams, Northwestern High School, Rock Hill

Title:  "Teenage Snapshot"

Medium:  Colored Pencil

Teachers: Kim Grant, Jessica Calloway, Sandra Queen


Honorable Mention

Emily Varnadore, South Pointe High, Rock Hill
Brittney Olney, Rock Hill High
Emilia Munoz-Bowman, Rock Hill High
Jordan Hennings, Sumter High
Taylor Swiney, Rock Hill High


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