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Friday, May 1, 2009

Rock Hill School Board To Decide How Much to Cut Salaries, if any.

One of the topics on the agenda for the Monday, May 4, work session is to decide how many days to furlough employees. Of course, furlough is just a fancy way to say reduce pay, because the work required on those days really doesn't go away. The other main item is to decide if every employee should sacrifice equally. The proposed budget shows our most highly qualified teachers taking the biggest percentage drop of any employee. The state has dictated that "non teachers" would take a bigger percentage drop if furloughs were used to balance the budget.

Here are the last questions which have been submitted for answers/discussion:

  • What is the cost of 9th grade sports programs? Do any other 4A and 3A schools not have 9th grade programs? Can they play on the JV team?
  • What is the cost/savings of combining 7th and 8th grade sports like they do for track and cheerleading currently?
  • Can we close the schools down earlier - end practice no later than 6 pm (for example) so the lights can go off and the thermostats can be set on a savings setting?
  • How many days/hours should the high schools be open during the summer for the teams to come in and practice (with the same regards to lights/air and water as well as trainer costs)?

The meeting agenda is below, or you can print out a copy by clicking this link

SCHOOL BOARD CALLED WORK SESSION Text Box: Professional Code Put Students First Nurture Relationships Work Together for a Shared Vision Grow Professionally Continuously Find Ways to Improve

LOCATION: District Office

START: 5:30 p.m.

DATE: May 4, 2009


Dinner - Break Room

1 2009-2010 Budget - Board Discussion (15 mins. per question) Bob Norwood

(1) How much are we willing to cut the fund balance over the next two years?

(2) How many days are we willing to furlough employees?

(3) Do we believe in "equal sacrifice but not equal dollars?" Does everybody get cut a certain amount or a certain percentage?

(4) After all of our cuts, we end up with a surplus, where should we apply it for 08-09?

(5) Are we willing to raise class size? If so, how much?

2 General Fund Budget Proposal (Draft) Bill Mabry

3 Program Explanations

Fund Balance Bill Mabry

Contract Services Bill Mabry

Kelly Services / Positions Beckye Partlow

Consultants / Professional Development Harriet Jaworowski

Travel / Field Trips Luanne Kokolis

Software Licenses Luanne Kokolis

4 Technology / Operations $5,000,000 Bonds - 2009-2010 Bill Mabry
5 Executive Session - Personnel Matter Lynn Moody

1 comment:

Kimteach said...

Am I reading this correctly? Does this mean ALL teachers would (hypothetically) take a pay cut and then ON TOP OF THAT, National Board Certified teachers would lose part (if not all) of their Board pay? Before I was an NBCT, I was ENCOURAGED by the district to better myself as an educator so I did. I earned my Master's degree and became Board Certified in 2008. Now I am at risk of being doubly penalized by a district that was supposed to stand behind me. It is now possible that my degrees and certificates will no longer help me support my family or help me prepare for my children's future...BUT my degrees and certificates WILL continue to help our district in terms of the number of "highly qualified" teachers the district employs. In an occupation where pay is not based on ability, merit, or performance, but purely on the years of experience one has in the classroom, pursuing advanced degrees and National Board Certification is THE only way educators can receive a "raise" or pay increase. I highly encourage the Board to stand behind our teachers. If we all must take furlough days, then so be it. But please don't DOUBLY penalize those who have acheived National Board Certification. We voluntarily took on an amazingly stressful and difficult endeavor with the belief that our School Board and District would stand behind us and support us. We believed you. We went above and beyond. We ACHIEVED. Please reassure us that our efforts and trust were not in vain.

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