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Friday, May 31, 2013

A Short History of Education Acronyms and the 2013 Rock Hill School District Retirees #rockhillschools #rockhill

Educators are known for their Acronyms. To a "non-educator", it is almost as if they are talking a different language. Trying to keep vital information away from the aliens (non-educators). Not to mention the "plan of the year". Below is a poem highlighting some of that history and a message to those "left behind":

On Retiring: An Ode to Acronyms
By Becky Sanderson, Class of 2013 Retirees

The time has come for me to go.  Retirement’s finally here.
I feel the time is perfect now to end my long career.
As I was cleaning out my files, I truly was amazed
At all the many acronyms we’ve used in many ways.
I found notes on DePict DePart and a PET evaluation,
The book Assertive Discipline and more abbreviations.
At one time we did TQE, at one time CPI,
(I know they were important, but I can’t remember why!)
For new folks many years ago APT was endured;
But now we know ADEPT and FEAT as acronyms du jour.
Now most of you remember WOW and well as UbD;
We currently do RtI and also PLC.
Each time I’ve done a GBE or joined an interest group,
I’ve found some new ingredients for my old alphabet soup.
But now that I’m retiring, the acronyms have changed.
It seems the definitions have all been rearranged.
Now WOW means “Wine on Wednesdays!”  And what about GBE?
Life’s “Getting Better Everyday” like retirement ought to be.
My PLC is going to change; I plan to be inspired
By my “Perfect Lunch Community” with friends who are retired.
You’re living now with RtI but what it means to me
Is Reading-Traveling-Interacting with friends and family.
And when I hear the phrase “irock anytime anywhere,”
I’ll follow those instructions in my favorite rocking chair.
I’ll read my book and sip my wine and think of all of you.

Take heart, dear friends, the day will come when YOU can retire, too!

The Rock Hill School district is truly indebted to the following 56 individuals, who have   played an essential role in the lives of students. Good luck in retirement: 
Russell Hinson, Belleview Elementary
Luci Newton, Belleview Elementary
Susan Simpson, Belleview Elementary
Paul Carpenter, Castle Heights Middle
John Edmonds, Castle Heights Middle
Bonnie Harris, Castle Heights Middle
Renette Helms, Castle Heights Middle
Marty Stutts, The Children’s School at Sylvia Circle
Jennifer Anderson, District Office
Pansy Bailey, District Office
Gigi Bull, District Office
Dorothy Burris, District Office
Rhonda Deas, District Office
Debi Gantt, District Office
Bruce Harris, District Office
Stephen Ward, District Office
Teresa Ezell, Dutchman Creek Middle
Madelyn Soles, Ebenezer Avenue Elementary
Mary Jo Thaxton, Ebenezer Avenue Elementary
Susie Doggett, Ebinport Elementary
Connie Forrester, Ebinport Elementary
Karen Kirkland, Finley Road Elementary
Teresa Daniels, Lesslie Elementary
Sherri McKinney, Lesslie Elementary
Mary Malette Wood, Lesslie Elementary
Susan Demarest, Mount Gallant Elementary
Rhonda Logan, Mount Gallant Elementary
David Thomas, Mount Gallant Elementary
Delores Davis, Mount Holly Elementary
Col. Arthur W. Ahl, Northwestern High
Eugene Bumgardner, Northwestern High
Bill Stowe, Northwestern High
Dora White, Northwestern High
Clark Wicklund, Northwestern High
Susan Lowery, Oakdale Elementary
Neil McVann, Oakdale Elementary
Suzanne Dalesandro, Old Pointe Elementary
Susan Houston, Phoenix Academy
Stephanie Dingle, Rawlinson Road Middle
Paula Hamilton, Rawlinson Road Middle
Adelene Hinton, Rawlinson Road Middle
Rebecca Faris, Richmond Drive Elementary
Cindy Johnson, Richmond Drive Elementary
Judy Garner, Rock Hill High
Deborah Mitchem, Rock Hill High
Raelene Cavanaugh, Rosewood Elementary
Helen Taylor, Rosewood Elementary
Polli Vaughn, Saluda Trail Middle
Cecilia Boles, South Pointe High
Ann Crouch, Sullivan Middle
Dian Heath, Sullivan Middle
Eva Simpson, Transportation
Donna Hickey, York Road Elementary
Patti May, York Road Elementary
Becky Sanderson, York Road Elementary
Elaine Young, York Road Elementary

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