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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Amazing News from The Children's School at Sylvia Circle #rockhill #rockhillschools

The 4th and 5th grade students at the Children's School at Sylvia Circle  accomplished an amazing feat this year.   They placed 8th in the nation (out of over 5000 schools) in the online math competition, First in Math. (First in Math Nationwide Competetion: 2.7 Million Registered Players, 90,588 Teams (classes), 1,023 Districts) The students placed 1st in the State (out of 65 schools).  The students solved over 1.4 million math problems correctly and logged over 4000 math hours.   They worked for this goal of being top 10 in the nation since early September.   To celebrate this amazing accomplishment, the students will have a celebration Monday afternoon (May 13) at 1p.m.  We would love if you would come and help us celebrate reaching our year long goal.

Upper elementary teachers at The Children's school at Sylvia Circle

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