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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Rock Hill Schools Update For May 2, 2013 #rockhillschools #rockhill

Teacher Appreciation
May 1-3 and 6-7 are Teacher Appreciation Days in Rock Hill Schools. The question is: "How does one express appreciation to those who have such amazing  impact on the lives of students?" Being a teacher is rewarding, but teaching is not easy! It takes commitment, preparation, perseverance and, most importantly, a true desire to help students reach their potential. Rock Hill Schools gives due applause to its talented teachers for inspiring others to be the best they can be!
Noteworthy Dates
  • May 2 – Rawlinson Road Middle School Choral Concert, 7 pm, auditorium, directed by Colleen Rice
  • May 2 & 3 – South Pointe High School Choral Concert, 7 pm, auditorium, directed by Kurt Foundos, $3/students, $5/adults
  • May 3 – Saluda Trail Middle School presents “All that Jazz,” featuring art, band and choral classes, gym, 4:30-5:45
  • May 5 – Elementary Honors Choir Concert, 3 pm, sanctuary of Oakland Baptist Church, directed by Becky Sanderson (York Road) and Gwen Colter (Independence), free
  • May 7 – Northwestern High School  Band Concert, 7:30 pm, auditorium, directed by Mark Yost, includes tribute to former director Larry Wells, free
  • May 8 – National Nurses Day
In the Schools
Dr. Takijah Heard, a professor at the University of Texas, will speak to members of  the Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science Club (GEMS) at Saluda Trail Middle School at 5:00 pm Friday, May 10. Her topics will be on becoming a doctor, entrance into medical school, and summer programs on college campuses for middle and high school students. Dr. Heard attended the University of Chicago and Harvard University and currently serves as the Director of Pediatric Clinical Neurophysiology at the Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston.
Congratulations to . . .
  • The Children’s School at Sylvia Circle on being #8 in the nation in the “First in Math” competition, sponsored by Hart, Inc. The Children’s School is the first S.C. school to finish in the top 10.
  • Dr. Jeff Venables (Northwestern) on his election to serve a two-year term as President of the Board of Directors for the Palmetto State Teachers Association.
  • winners of spring grant awards from the Rock Hill School District Foundation.

  • the South Pointe High School Chorus on placing second in the WTVI “My School Rocks” event on April 20. The chorus will receive a $1,500 grant.
  • the Applied Technology Center which is featured in the March newsletter of the S.C. Dept. of Agriculture. The article features horticulture students who are now raising plants to eat. 
  • Cindy Koon, South Pointe High School newspaper adviser, and her students who brought home top state awards April 22 from the spring conference of the S.C. Scholastic Press Assn.
  • Chris McLean (Sullivan Middle School) who has a brief article in APInsight, a newsletter published by the National Assn. of Secondary School Principals.  Chris’s article is titled “Encouraging Readers in Middle Schools.” It can be found at
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

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