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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rock Hill Schools Announces 7 New Assistant Principals #rockhill #rockhillschools

The Rock Hill School Board approved the administration's recommendations for 7 Assistant Principles during Tuesday night's May Business meeting (see picture above). The vote was 7-0.

Natalie Rodgers, Northwestern High School 10th grade Jr.ROTC student opened the meeting. During her presentation, she recognized Col. Ahl for his 51 years of service to his country - 24 years as the Northwestern Jr. ROTC lead instructor and 27 years of active duty in the Air Force. Col. Ahl will be retiring at the end of this year.

Other action taken by the board:
  • Approved the consent agenda (minutes from; a work session, retreat, and business meeting, personnel recommendations, 4 facilities requests, 4 bus rental agreements, and a banking RFP). Vote was 7-0
  • Approved a bond resolution to refinance an existing bond and save about $1 million dollars in interest. vote was 7-0.
  • Approved a bond resolution to include a 3 year, $3.1 million bond for iPads with the first year payment of $1.3 million to be paid from the capital fund and a 5 year $5 million dollar bond for capital and technology improvements with the projects to be approved by the board in June. The existing tax rate will not be changed  because of this bond. Vote was 7-0
  • Approved a multiple child discount for band families of 25% for each child over 1. Vote was 7-0
  • Approved Policy BDE - Board committees for 2nd and final reading. Vote was 7-0
  • Approved Policy EZ - Environmental Sustainability for 1st reading. Vote was 7-0
  • Approved applications for Saluda Trail to be a New Carolina Pilot site and for the school district to be a grassroots district. Vote was 7-0.
  • Approved bus rental agreements for The YMCA and for \the Salvation Army. Vote was 7-0

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