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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Divided Rock Hill School Board Approves Adding Staff, Food Service Contract, and Possible Tax Increase

The Rock Hill School Board held their May Business meeting on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at the district office. The meeting was moved from Monday because of the Memorial Day Holiday. The board took action on several items, and unusual for the board, many of the votes were not unanimous.

The following action items were taken:

  • The Consent Agenda was approved with a 7-0 vote. Included was; promotion of Richard Camp to Assistant Principal for Finley Road Elementary School for the 2012-13 school year; board minutes from the previous month; administration personnel recommendations; five recurring facility rental requests; a facility rental request from the Upper Palmetto YMCA and; a change in name for the Children's Attention Home Charter School to The Palmetto School at the Children's Attention Home.
  • The board approved Sodexo as the company to manage the district's food service. The vote was 5-2 with Sharp and Reid against. Read the Herald's reporting on this by clicking here and WRHI's reporting by clicking here.
  • The board approved an overnight field study request for the South Pointe Band to take a cruise. The vote was 6-1 with Brown against. Brown votes against all trips outside the continental US. He pointed out he has also voted against similar trips for Rock Hill and Northwestern High Schools.
  • The board approved the hiring of 6 teaching positions by a 4-3 vote with Norwood, Vining, and Brown against. Those against said this was putting the cart before the horse. This item is proposed in next years budget which includes a 6 mil tax increase and a reduction in the fund balance - two issues the board has not yet approved. Those voting in favor have apparently signaled their intent to continue to live beyond our means. The Superintendent did report if the Senate budget is approved, we would not have to raise milage but would have to take money from the reserve fund.
  • The board voted 6-1 (Brown against) to allow the United Way to use our vehicles during the summer at a discounted rate. The vehicles would be used only for Rock Hill School District Three students in a continuation of an academic support program which goes on through the school year. Brown felt with money being tight, we should charge the going rate for our vehicles.
  • The board voted 7-0 (after executive session) to create the position of District Title 1 Core Content Integration Specialist (Funded from Title 1 funds) and Exceptional Student Education Compliance Officer (funded from Medicaid Funds).
The board recognized the following:
  • The following graduating students who have not missed a day of school for 12 years; Joshua Adams and Alysa Underwood from Rock Hill High and; Katie Williams, Kally Williams and Avery Jackson from South Pointe High.
  • State History Day Winners; Kaylee Gaynor, Sophia Hubbard, Hannah Borders, Maddy Paladino, Alan Smith, Kyle Carter, Jonathan Yang, Kelsey Collins, Sha’Ron Nealy, Joshua Dantzler, Mary Kathryn McGregor, and Savannah Bridges. Every Rock Hill Middle School was represented this year.
  • Distinguished Climbers for May
The board heard the following reports:
  • Mabra Herlong, a 5th grade math teacher at Northside Elementary School, showcased student work using IPADS.
  • Heard a brief update on energy savings this year that were in excess of $1 million dollars. Bob Norwood pulled Anita Wilson's name out of the barrel in a drawing from major energy savers of the year. Anita, from The Children's School at Sylvia Circle, won a week vacation. The district partnered with York County Natural Gas, Duke Energy, and the City of Rock Hill.
  • The superintendent gave a brief presentation on her IROCK project and suggested teachers and parents should visit the site for more information as it gets updated over the summer.
  • The board received a brief update on the budget progress.
  • The board heard  there will very little major maintenance and no technology purchases next year without increasing taxes this summer. The board had historically only authorized the amount of money that coincided with a bond that was being retired. This was on a 4 year cycle because half of the money was being spent on technology which only has a 4 year life. A couple of years ago, with the board's consent, several bonds were combined into a longer term bond, to get a reduced interest rate.  Only about $800,000 in bonds will be retired this year but the district wants to spend $5 million.

Palmetto Mornings: Kally & Katy Williams

Posted May 30, 2012 9:50 am, Modified: May 30, 2012 9:50 am | Filed under Palmetto Mornings
By Colleen Brannon
Perfect attendance fro 13 years of school.

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