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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rock Hill School District News For Thursday, May 3, 2012

From Elaine T. Baker, Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools

Local Businesses Say "Thank You"
Charlotte area Chick-fil-A restaurants will honor educators and support staff on Tues., May 8, from 6:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. The offer  will be available in locations in Rock Hill on Cherry Road and Dave Lyle Blvd.
Sweet Frog Rock Hill, located two doors down from Subway in Manchester Village off Dave Lyle, has a special offer for teachers on Sat., May 5: a "buy one get one free" frozen yogurt. Teachers are requested to show their ID to the cashier before making a purchase.
S.C. Teacher of the Year
The new S. C. Teacher of the Year is Amy McAllister, an English teacher at Johnsonville High School in Florence District 5. Amy succeeds Patti Tate, also an English teacher, who will return to Northwestern in the fall.Kelly Hollingsworth, Teacher of the Year for Rock Hill Schools, attended the state banquet on May 1 accompanied by Supt. Lynn Moody and her principal at Mount Holly Elementary, Chris Beard.
Upcoming Performances
Northwestern High School Band - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 8 - Directed by Larry Wells and Mark Yost - Free. This will be the last concert for Larry who plans to retire in June after an amazing career of 40+ years.
"Singing Around the World" is the name of South Pointe High School's concert at 7:00 p.m. on Thurs., May 3, and Friday, May 4. The Stallion Corral Concert Choir and the Stallion Singers, directed by Beverly Laney, will feature a singing celebration of diversity, including cultures from many countries. Admission will be $5/adults and $4/students and children.
The Northwestern High School Musical Theatre Class, taught by Tamara Altman, will present "Pandemonium: A Musical Theatre Showcase" at 7:00 p.m. Thurs., May 3, and Friday, May 4. A full ensemble with a live band will perform musical selections to include "Little Me," "Anything Goes," "Rocky Horror" and "Guys and Dolls."
Congratulations to . . .
bands at Dutchman Creek Middle SchoolNorthwestern High School, and at Rock Hill High on receiving the prestigious S.C. State Outstanding Performance Award from the S.C. Band Directors Assn. The award is presented to bands that exhibit a high degree of excellence in all facets of the band program, including competitions and ratings at festivals. The proud band directors are Jocquin Fuller (DCMS), Larry Wells (NHS), and Joe Gulledge (RHHS).
Mt. HollyEbenezer Avenue, and Oakdale elementary schools were featured in the April newsletter for the York Soil & Water Conservation District.
employees of Rock Hill Schools for their efforts in saving energy. During spring break, the district saved energy equivalent in dollars to a teacher's salary for 1.5 years. Hats off to Energy Manager Joan Smith who recently informed employees of their chances to win prizes for their efforts to "Keeping Cash in the Classrooms."
the Rock Hill High School Symphonic Band on earning a rating of superior and being named Grand Champion at the inaugural Charleston Music Festival on April 21. The band was also awarded trophies for Outstanding Low Brass Section and Outstanding Soloist (Daniel Gulledge on French horn).


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