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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rock Hill School District Foundation Grants Announced

Foundation Grant Awards
Spring 2012
The Foundation is pleased to announce fourteen grant awards to Teachers in Rock Hill Schools!  Awards totaled $8,980.00 for the April 2012 awards cycle.  Congratulations to all award recipients! 
Seven grant proposals received a score of exceptional by the Foundation grants committee.  This score placed these proposals in the superlatives category for the April grant cycle. 
Superlative grants were funded this cycle by Foundation Champion Donors. 
India Hook                            superlative
Candyce Powers                  “The Outdoor Classroom”                $445
                                    Superlative award donated by State Farm Insurance
Lesslie Pursley                      “iCan Communicate”                        $500
                                                Superlative award donated by Outback Steakhouse
Lesslie                                   superlative
Kelli Ferment                         “iEnrich with iPad                             $535
                                    Superlative award donated by Comporium
Rosewood                           superlative
Inga Carey                             “Instrument Requests for Rosewood Inquirers” $1,863
                                                Superlative award donated by Williams & Fudge, Inc.
York Road                            superlative
Ayanna Brice                         “Math with Me”                                   $430
Superlative award donated by Allen Tate
Saluda Trail                          superlative
Angela Clark                          “Picture This”                                     $500
Superlative award donated by Employees of
Williams & Fudge, Inc.
Applied Tech. Center        superlative
Laurel George                       “Exercise for the Heart & Lungs”     $705
Superlative award donated by Family Trust FCU
The Children’s School
James Campbell                   “Wii Can Do It!”                                 $963
 India Hook
Carman Austin                      “Meeting Students’ Needs through Technology” $200
Diana North                           “Design, Build, & Document”                       $510
Laura Belcher &                    “Bring Authentic non Fiction Home”            $435
Deb Wybenga
Castle Heights
Christine Lucia,                     “Eating Your Way through Earth Science”  $485
Suzanne Patterson & Tonya Patton                                                                       
Samantha McManus             “eInk Readers will Travel”                             $1,000
Applied Tech. Center
Curisa Tucker                        “Medical Math”                                              $370
Pat Vining                                “Seeing is Understanding”                         $1,000
The next cycle of Rock Hill School District Foundation grants are currently being accepted.  Applications are due no later than Monday, June 25, 2012.  Awards will be grated at the Foundation's summer board meeting that will be held in July.

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