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Friday, May 11, 2012

Rock Hill School District News For Friday, May 11, 2012

From Elaine T. Baker, Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools
Retirement Banquet
The district administration and the Board of Trustees will honor the Class of 2012 Retirees at a banquet on Thursday, May 17, in the Palmetto Room in Historic Old Town. The Class of 2012 will be largest ever with 53 employees setting their sights on new adventures.
"The Trail to Broadway"
Saluda Trail Middle School's Choruses and Show Choir, directed by Pam Johnson, will present "The Trail to Broadway" at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 15, in the school's auditorium. In addition, the Art Department, under the direction of Angie Clark. will present its annual art show, "Art Attack 3." Entries will be displayed and winners will be announced during the concert.
"Battle of the Books"
At the Second Annual Elementary Battle of the Books competition on April 28, the Independence Elementary team, led by Media Specialist Martee Patton, was victorious. Oakdale Elementary, led by Media Specialist Lynn Mooney, was runner-up. Fourth and fifth-graders from 16 schools vied for awards based on their knowledge of books identified earlier in the year by the district's media specialists. 
     Merri Anna Allred, media specialist at India Hook Elementary, wants to send a huge "thank you" to Dr. Tanya CampbellJacob Moree and Jan Elliott for hosting the competition at Old Pointe.
Project H.O.P.E.

Hospice & Community Care in Rock Hill will be offering a program for bereaved children June 11-14. 
School Board to Meet May 14
The school board will hold a work session in the district office on Monday, May 14, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Topics on the agenda include a presentation on the outsourcing of Food Services, an update on the district's master plan for facilities, and a preliminary report on the budget. The work session, just as all board meetings, will be open to the public.
Izzy's Legacy - 5K walk/run on Saturday, May 12 - Saluda Trail - 9 a.m. - wheelchair and stroller friendly.

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