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Friday, May 18, 2012

Rock Hill School District Has Large Group of Retiree's

The administration of Rock Hill Schools congratulates the members of the Class of 2012 Retirees. Several employees retired earlier during the school year, but the majority will be leaving their posts when the school year ends. A retirement banquet was held on May 17 to honor these men and women.
Congratulations and heartfelt appreciation to . . .   
Charles Hailey, III, Applied Technology Center
Virginia Paul, District Office
Dr. Meredith Spradley, District Office
Elaine Rocan, Dutchman Creek Middle
Ellen Barnard, Ebenezer Avenue Elementary
Fran Hailey, Ebinport Elementary
Kathryn Hastings, Exceptional Student Education
Shirley Setzer, Facilities Services
Al Bogan, Finley Road Elementary
Diane Duncan, Finley Road Elementary
Cynthia Pryor, Finley Road Elementary
Ethel Sutton, Independence Elementary
Kathryn Taylerson, India Hook Elementary
Jeryl Christmas, Lesslie Elementary
Harriet Good, Lesslie Elementary
Donna Johnson, Lesslie Elementary
Andrea Koterba, Lesslie Elementary
Ella Baccus, Mount Holly Elementary
Carol Cloer, Mt. Gallant Elementary
Barbara Fox, Mt. Holly Elementary
Gail Walton, Mt. Holly Elementary
Leanne Russell, Northside Elementary
Kathe Stanley, Northside Elem. School of the Arts
David Bartles, Northwestern High
Grover  Belton, Northwestern High
Ida Gaines, Northwestern High
Rosa Lytle, Northwestern High
Martha McLeod, Northwestern High
Elizabeth Miles, Northwestern High
Beryl Usry, Northwestern High
Larry Wells, Northwestern High
Rebecca Ramsey, Oakdale Elementary
Edward McManus, Rawlinson Road
Dianne Robinson, Rawlinson Road
Jackie Anderson, Richmond Drive
Janice Ashley, Rock Hill High
Barbara Dellinger, Rock Hill High
Carolyn Lesslie, Rock Hill High
Linda Neely, Rosewood Elementary
Kathleen Chesney, Saluda Trail Middle
Harriet Flinn, Saluda Trail Middle
Saundra Patterson, Saluda Trail Middle
Sallie Gailliard, Sullivan Middle
Sakun Sek, Sullivan Middle
Gail Stafford, Sullivan Middle
Ella Hooper, Transportation
Rebecca McFadden, York Road Elementary
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

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