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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Trojans on Signing Day #rockhill #rockhillschools

Northwestern High School is proud to announce that it will have eight student-athletes sign a National Letter of Intent to participate in collegiate athletics.  We will hold a signing ceremony at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 6th in the F-Gym. 

The following student-athletes will be participating in National Signing Day 2013:

  • Dontavious "Shug" Baxter - Central Missouri - Football
  • O'Daryl Douglas-Davis - Central Missouri - Football
  • Kristen Clark - Spartanburg Methodist – Girls XC/Track
  • Taylor Lehman - Spartanburg Methodist – Girls XC/Track
  • Julisa Tindall - College of Charleston – Girls Track
·         Helena Moore - Anderson University - Girls Soccer

·         Cara Pennington - Converse College - Girls Soccer

·         Lauren Watts - Winthrop University - Girls Soccer

Please join us as we celebrate the tremendous accomplishments of these members of the TROJAN family!

Lauren West, Northwestern Athletic Director

Rock Hill School District News For Thursday, January 31, 2013 #rockhillschools #rockhill

Congratulations to . . .
Mount Gallant Elementary on its selection as a 2013 S.C. School of Character and now a nominee for National School of Character status. The announcement, made Jan. 30 by the Palmetto Character Council, stated that onlythree schools were selected this year, and that it was rare for a school (Mt. Gallant) to be selected the first time it applied. Hats off to the Mt. Gallant staff, especially Gail Abernethy, school counselor, who wrote and submitted the application.
Community Garden
When Rock Hill Schools was in the process of choosing a new food service provider, the topic of school gardens came up. These would be gardens that would be maintained by students, the district and community volunteers and where healthy food would be planted and cultivated on property adjoining the Applied Technology Center. The first "garden bed" will be planted this Friday, Feb. 1, rain or shine, at 10:15 by students at the ATC and community volunteers. A 4:00 p.m. session will be open to those who cannot attend during school hours. Dr. Martha Edwards, a local pediatrician and volunteer at the Family Resource Center, will join ATC Director Don Gillman as the contacts for this project.  
National Board Workshop
For employees interested in National Board, please go to website or call 803.256-2065 about a workshop on Feb. 9 in Columbia. This workshop is for teachers who are thinking about or currently renewing their National Board Certification.
ATC Fundraising Efforts
The Future Educators Assn. at the Applied Technology Center will host a "Spirit Night" at Moe's Southwest Grill (near Manchester Cinema) on Feb. 7 from 5-9 pm. The Assn. is also currently selling Krispy Kreme Doughnut cards for $12. The card contains 10 coupons for "buy a dozen doughnuts and get a dozen free." To purchase a card, contact FEA advisor, Leigh Anne Freeman, at
Elaine T. Baker, Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rock Hill Herald's Education Reporter is Moving on. #rockhill #rhschoolboard #rockhillschools

Former Herald reporter Shawn Cetrone
The Rock Hill Herald's award winning education reporter, Shawn Cetrone, had his last day at the paper on Tuesday. Shawn has taken a job outside the newspaper business, but very much in line with his many talents. I certainly wish him well and know that he will continue to be successful.

The Rock Hill School District has been blessed with a very supportive local newspaper, The Rock Hill Herald. Their education reporters over the years have done a good job publishing the good things while maintaining a community "watch" approach to push the district to tackle areas for improvement. This is sometimes difficult to do while maintaining a good working relationship.

Shawn did this exceptionally well and his shoes will be hard to fill. But somehow, The Herald has done a remarkable job in performing this task over the years and I look forward to meeting the next education reporter who will help sell/push our district to better things. Until then, a big thanks to Shawn for all he has done to help us grow.....and good luck!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Rock Hill iRock Critique Teams Start Meeting Thursday #iRockrh #rhschoolboard #rockhill

ETV_iRock from Christopher Smith on Vimeo.
Click here for a link to the video.

The Rock Hill School District has been working on a plan for a new way to educate children. You can see the plan by clicking here. The next step in our progression for changing the learning involvement will be starting this Thursday when our first two Critique Teams will  meet to review what has been done so far. Click here to read a short description about this process. This comes after several community forums.

The Critique teams are made up of stakeholders; parents; teachers and; community leaders and will be able to make improvements to the current plan. The first team meetings have been scheduled as follows:

  • Thursday, January 31, 2013, The Teacher Involvment Team will meet from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm in the school district office. This team is chaired by Jeff Venables, current District Three Teacher of the Year, and will include a large cross section of teachers from throughout the district. They will be reviewing all aspects of the plan.
  • Thursday, January 31, 2013, The Community Involvement Team will meet from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm in the \school district office. This team is chaired by Wayne Wingate and will include a cross section of the community. They will be reviewing communications.
  • Friday, February 1, 2013, The Finance and Resources Team will meet at The Cotton Factory from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. This team, chaired by Gary Williams will include a group of area business executives who will look at the financial portion of the plan.
  • Wednesday, February 6, 2013, The Learning Team will meet at the school district office from 4:30 pm until 7:00 pm. Mary Chandler will chair the team which will be comprised of parents and teachers who will focus on how the plan relates to common core.
  • Thursday, February 7, 2013, The Evaluation Team will meet at the school district office  from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm.Dr. Marshall Jones will lead the team of parents and teachers to evaluate measures and expectations for academic achievement.
All teams are to post agenda's, meeting schedules and minutes on the school district web site.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting on Monday #rockhill #rockhillschools #rhschoolboard

Click here for a link to all the information for the meeting.

Rock Hill School District Foundation Gala #rockhill #rockhillschools #irockrh

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
7:00 pm

Richardson Ballroom,
DiGiorgio Center
269 DiGiorgio Center Way
Winthrop University


The Rock Hill School District Foundation cordially invites you to attend the Hi-Tech Gala, an evening of great food, fellowship, and enterprise in a 21st Century digital innovative atmosphere.  
Keynote speaker, Dr. Mark Edwards, Superintendent of Mooresville County Schools and pioneer of 1 to 1 computing, will share its tremendous benefits with patrons.  Announced by AASA  as one of four finalists for National Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Edwards is nationally known for inspiring students to develop a new love for learning with mobile technology.  Dr. Edwards has been recognized by eSchool News Magazine as a Tech Savvy Superintendent.  He is the author of  "Every Child, Every Day: A Digital Conversion Model for Student Achievement".
The Hi-Tech Gala is sure to be an evening of inspiration in 21st Century digital innovation.  You will not want to miss this event!
Be sure to click on the link below to register by investing in partnership opportunities.
Register Now!
I can't make it
Feel free to contact us with any questions about the event or how to register.
Thank you for your attention and response.  We look forward to seeing you at Hi-Tech Gala!.
Alice Williams Davis and Susan York 
Rock Hill School District Foundation Board Members
Co-Chairs, Hi-Tech Gala 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

Rock Hill Schools Update #rockhillschools #rockhill

Congratulations to . . .
Dr. Tanya Campbell, Principal at Old Pointe Elementary, on her selection by the Palmetto Reading Council of the International Reading Assn. as the Administrator of the Year. Dr. Campbell (photo on left) was chosen based on her high expectations for all students and her belief that the most basic foundation of knowledge consists of the ability to read, write and speak. She will be honored at the Palmetto Banquet at the Cotton Factory in Rock Hill on April 18.
John Bramblett, girls' basketball coach at Northwestern High School, on his 100th win January 22 when the NHS girls defeated the Fort Mill Yellow Jackets.
Dutchman Creek Middle School teachers, Tim Robinson, Stephanie Long and Amy Rollings, whose students swept 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the Martin Luther King Essay Contest. The announcement was made on January 21 at the MLK community breakfast in Rock Hill.
Using the organizational talents of Principals Latoya Dixon (Mt. Gallant Elementary) and Michael Waiksnis (Sullivan Middle), Rock Hill Schools will launch EdcampSC on Sept. 7 at Sullivan Middle School. Edcamps, often referred to as "unconferences,"  are exciting new formats for professional learning. The goal for participants is to share ways to use technology as a tool to improve academic achievement, increase engagement and promote creativity.
Rock Hill High's Model UN Team will host a pancake fundraiser Saturday morning, January 26, from 7:00-10:00 at Applebees on Dave Lyle Blvd. Tickets are $7.
Digital Learning Day
The second annual Digital Learning Day will be held on Weds., Feb. 6. Digital Learning Day is a national campaign that celebrates teachers and places the spotlight on successful instructional practices and the effective use of technology in classrooms across the country.
Chinese Students to Visit Rock Hill Schools
High school Chinese students will visit in Rock Hill Schools the weeks of Feb. 11 and 18.
Meet Local Legislators
District employees are invited to "SC Legislative Meet and Greet Night" on January 31 in the Cyber Café. See attached flyer for details.
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

Rock Hill School Employees Receive Grant Money #rockhillschools #rockhill

Congratulations to the following district employees who have received grants from PPG Industries Fiber Glass Products, Inc., in Chester, SC:
Jacob Moree, Asst. Principal at Old Pointe Elementary

Jacob received two grants in December, each for $1,000. One grant was used to fund Porkchop Productions, a week-long drama residence for fifth-grade students.

 The second grant, also received in December, was used to purchase guitar picks, a guitar stand, and 12 guitars to support Chris Morgan's (music teacher) guitar unit. (See above photos.)
Sandra Thompson, Grade 4 Teacher at Ebinport Elementary
Sandra, with the assistance of parent Kelly Scott, submitted the grant application to PPG to request funds to assist in covering the cost of eight Junior Achievement kits for classes to be taught at Ebinport. A grant for $1,000 was awarded on January 14.
Samantha Goodman, Multi-Categorical Exceptional Education Teacher at Saluda Trail Middle
With the assistance of parent Al Reid, Samantha applied for a $1,000 grant to be used to purchase extra bins for recycling and equipment to make it a more efficient process. Students with exceptional learning needs go to each classroom and collect recycling materials such as paper, plastic, aluminum cans and cardboard--helping Saluda Trail to do its part in staying "green."
LaChanda Hare, Grade 8 Science Teacher at Saluda Trail Middle
With the assistance of parent Al Reid, LaChanda received a $3,000 grant to purchase supplies and lab equipment that supports the school's STEM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Math) Program and provides funds for field studies for students.
Elaine T. Baker, Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rock Hill School Employees Being Asked For Calendar Comments #rockhill #rockhillschools #rhschoolboard

This is a copy of the proposed Rock Hill School District calendar for the  2013-14 school year. School District employees are being requested to review the calendar, along with the explanations below, and offer suggestions for improvement by Jan. 31, 2013 so that it can be presented to the school board on Feb. 11. This calendar was devised by the district's Calendar Committee comprised of 3 high school students, 6 teachers, 4 parents and 3 administrators.
There are 91 days in first semester and 89 in second semester.
The Student Engagement Conference has been moved to earlier in October so that it does not conflict with a teacher's workday.
Two "teacher days" are scheduled before the end of a grading period instead of following the grading period. The biggest complaint that some teachers on the Calendar Committee had was that workdays following grading periods are of little value to teachers because of the due date/time for the grades.
There are more days in the calendar between the end of the grading period and the date when report cards go home. Teachers and administrators on the Calendar Committee feel that an additional day or two would not be of any concern to parents and would allow the D.O. more time to check, print and get report cards back to the schools for distribution. Parents on the Calendar Committee had no problem with this.  
The York County Calendar Committee and the Rock Hill Calendar Committee wanted to put spring break in the first week of April. However, HSAP testing has been slated for April 1-3 and HSAP make-up dates are scheduled for the week of April 7. The third week in April includes Good Friday as Easter is April 20.
There was some discussion in all York County school districts about requesting a "waiver" from the S.C. Dept. of Education to allow the districts to begin school earlier in August so High Schools would finish their classes before Christmas  break. However, the criteria for getting a waiver is amazingly hard to meet, so Rock Hill and Fort Mill districts have already decided not to pursue a waiver at this time.
Elaine T. Baker, Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What Should SC Schools Look Like? #rhschoolboard

Click here for a link to the video.

#iRockrh Twitter Chats Start Tuesday

Twitter Chat Tuesdays!

Join your colleagues for the first ever #irockrh twitter chat!  We will be discussing all things #irockrh on Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. each week.  Stop by and join the conversation.  

Not sure what a twitter chat is?  It is a dedicated time to have a discussion on a particular topic.  If you type #irockrh into your tweets everyone will be able to follow along.  There are many programs to help with this, TweetChat ( is one of them and will walk you through what needs to be done.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

#Rockhill #1 Question Winter Newsletter

Click here for the complete newsletter.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

#iRockrh Informational Meeting on Tuesday

iRock Logo     
Rock Hill Community
Help inspire creativity and innovation with 21st Century Learning.
We invite you to join us and to share this email with others who may be interested in attending.
An informational meeting on the district's
 iRock technology initiative will be held at
6 p.m. Tuesday, January 22,
in the District Office Training Room at 660 N. Anderson Road.

This meeting is for any community member who wants the latest information about the district's plans to provide students with one-on-one technology in Rock Hill Schools.
Our Mission
We believe it is our responsibility to inspire and motivate students to be continuous learners. We know the needs of the future are different from the needs of the past and this requires us to transform how we teach. We are not afraid to learn with our students in creating these new learning experiences. As a result of this work, we will ensure our students are problem solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and communicators.

We need your help to make this possible.
Together, we can make learning possible anytime, anywhere. 
Your Future
Preparing today's students for the 21st century work environment is essential for community vitality.
Your Students
Education is everybody's business. We're all in this together. Preparing today's students for their future is a great way to make a difference. Learn more.
Your Community
The vision that we embrace and all that we will accomplish will have a huge impact on education in our local community and beyond. Learn more.
iRock Community Forum
Rock Hill Schools Administrative Offices
660 N Anderson Road
Tuesday, January 22nd
6:00 pm
Stay ConnectedLike us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter     
660 N Anderson Road Rock Hill South Carolina 29730

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