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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 8, 2013 Rock Hill School District News #rockhill #rockhillschools

Congratulations to . . .
Nakia Barnes, assistant principal at Mt. Holly Elementary, who is now Dr. Barnes.
Jonathan Hall, choral music teacher at Rock Hill High, and Tawanda Wells, grade 4 teacher at Lesslie, who are new National Board Certifiers.
The musical theatre at Northwestern High School will present "Pandemonium" at 7 p.m. January 10 and 11. Directed by Tamara Altman, students will perform production numbers from musicals such as "Mary Poppins," "Addams Family," "Wicked," "The Producers," and "Legally Blonde" And, there is no admission!
Community Meeting on iRock
An informational meeting on the district's new iRock academic initiative will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, January 22, in the D.O. Training Room. This meeting is for district employees and anyone who wants the latest information on iRock.
School Choice/Magnet Informational Meeting Dates
(6:30-7:30 p.m. each date)
Saluda Trail Middle (Science/Technology/Engineering/Math or STEM) - January 22 and February 21
Sunset Park Center for Accelerated Studies (Accelerated Studies) - January 24
Oakdale Elementary (Science/Technology/Engineering/Math or STEM)  - January 28 and February 25
Richmond Drive Elementary (Foreign Language Immersion) - January 29 and February 11
Sullivan Middle (International Baccalaureate) - January 31 and February 19
The Children's School at Sylvia Circle (Montessori) - February 4
Northside Elementary School of the Arts (The Arts) - February 5
Rosewood Elementary (International Baccalaureate Primary Years) - February 7
Ebinport Elementary (Foreign Language Immersion) - February 12
January 14 Work Session of School Board
The Rock Hill School Board will hold its first work session in 2013 on Monday, January 14, in the district office, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Items on the agenda include reports, with discussion to follow, on iRock, capital needs (media centers, technology, safety), financial audit, school safety and magnet school grant. District employees are invited to attend.

"Shout Out"

Students of Kelly Chavis at Northwestern - Thank you for your leadership in getting students to prepare over 1,150 cards to send to Newtown, Connecticut.

Straight Talk: 01/08/12 Walter Brown

Posted January 8, 2013 3:01 pm | Filed under ProgrammingStraight Talk
Rock Hill School Board Trustee Walter Brown joins Manning Kimmel on Straight Talk.

Elaine T. Baker, Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools

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