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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rock Hill Herald's Education Reporter is Moving on. #rockhill #rhschoolboard #rockhillschools

Former Herald reporter Shawn Cetrone
The Rock Hill Herald's award winning education reporter, Shawn Cetrone, had his last day at the paper on Tuesday. Shawn has taken a job outside the newspaper business, but very much in line with his many talents. I certainly wish him well and know that he will continue to be successful.

The Rock Hill School District has been blessed with a very supportive local newspaper, The Rock Hill Herald. Their education reporters over the years have done a good job publishing the good things while maintaining a community "watch" approach to push the district to tackle areas for improvement. This is sometimes difficult to do while maintaining a good working relationship.

Shawn did this exceptionally well and his shoes will be hard to fill. But somehow, The Herald has done a remarkable job in performing this task over the years and I look forward to meeting the next education reporter who will help sell/push our district to better things. Until then, a big thanks to Shawn for all he has done to help us grow.....and good luck!

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