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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

iRock Vision Casting #iRockrh #rockhill #rockhillschools

Business and Community Leaders
Help inspire creativity and innovation with 21st Century Learning.
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We believe it is our responsibility to inspire and motivate students to be continuous learners. We know the needs of the future are different from the needs of the past and this requires us to transform how we teach. We are not afraid to learn with our students in creating these new learning experiences. As a result of this work, we will ensure our students are problem solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and communicators.
We want every student in Rock Hill Schools to have a mobile learning device for use at school and home. It will be personalized and customized through unlimited apps and digital textbooks based on the individual needs and learning style of students. It will allow students to access instruction and provide them with the flexibility to learn anytime and anywhere.

Our students must be prepared for the work environment of the future where mobile technology can be used to explore, research, and create solutions to real world challenges. Solving real world problems will make learning more relevant, challenging and engaging
We need you, our greatest community leaders who can help us make this possible. Together, we can make learning possible anytime, anywhere.  Come join us for a conversation.
iRock Vision Casting with Dr. Lynn Moody, Superintendent
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Dutchman Creek Middle School
Media Center
4757 Mt. Gallant Road
Your Future
Preparing today's students for the 21st century work environment is essential for community vitality.
Your Students
Education is everybody's business. We're all in this together. Preparing today's students for their future is a great way to make a difference. Learn more.
Your Community
The vision that we embrace and all that we will accomplish will have a huge impact on education in our local community and beyond. Learn more.
Register to Attend
Dutchman Creek Middle Media Center
4757 Mt. Gallant Road
Rock Hill

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