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Saturday, January 19, 2013

#iRockrh Informational Meeting on Tuesday

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Rock Hill Community
Help inspire creativity and innovation with 21st Century Learning.
We invite you to join us and to share this email with others who may be interested in attending.
An informational meeting on the district's
 iRock technology initiative will be held at
6 p.m. Tuesday, January 22,
in the District Office Training Room at 660 N. Anderson Road.

This meeting is for any community member who wants the latest information about the district's plans to provide students with one-on-one technology in Rock Hill Schools.
Our Mission
We believe it is our responsibility to inspire and motivate students to be continuous learners. We know the needs of the future are different from the needs of the past and this requires us to transform how we teach. We are not afraid to learn with our students in creating these new learning experiences. As a result of this work, we will ensure our students are problem solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and communicators.

We need your help to make this possible.
Together, we can make learning possible anytime, anywhere. 
Your Future
Preparing today's students for the 21st century work environment is essential for community vitality.
Your Students
Education is everybody's business. We're all in this together. Preparing today's students for their future is a great way to make a difference. Learn more.
Your Community
The vision that we embrace and all that we will accomplish will have a huge impact on education in our local community and beyond. Learn more.
iRock Community Forum
Rock Hill Schools Administrative Offices
660 N Anderson Road
Tuesday, January 22nd
6:00 pm
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660 N Anderson Road Rock Hill South Carolina 29730

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