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Friday, January 25, 2013

Rock Hill School Employees Receive Grant Money #rockhillschools #rockhill

Congratulations to the following district employees who have received grants from PPG Industries Fiber Glass Products, Inc., in Chester, SC:
Jacob Moree, Asst. Principal at Old Pointe Elementary

Jacob received two grants in December, each for $1,000. One grant was used to fund Porkchop Productions, a week-long drama residence for fifth-grade students.

 The second grant, also received in December, was used to purchase guitar picks, a guitar stand, and 12 guitars to support Chris Morgan's (music teacher) guitar unit. (See above photos.)
Sandra Thompson, Grade 4 Teacher at Ebinport Elementary
Sandra, with the assistance of parent Kelly Scott, submitted the grant application to PPG to request funds to assist in covering the cost of eight Junior Achievement kits for classes to be taught at Ebinport. A grant for $1,000 was awarded on January 14.
Samantha Goodman, Multi-Categorical Exceptional Education Teacher at Saluda Trail Middle
With the assistance of parent Al Reid, Samantha applied for a $1,000 grant to be used to purchase extra bins for recycling and equipment to make it a more efficient process. Students with exceptional learning needs go to each classroom and collect recycling materials such as paper, plastic, aluminum cans and cardboard--helping Saluda Trail to do its part in staying "green."
LaChanda Hare, Grade 8 Science Teacher at Saluda Trail Middle
With the assistance of parent Al Reid, LaChanda received a $3,000 grant to purchase supplies and lab equipment that supports the school's STEM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Math) Program and provides funds for field studies for students.
Elaine T. Baker, Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools

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