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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Notes From The Rock Hill Schools December Business/Work Session

The Rock Hill School Board conducted an unusual December Work Session in that there were several Business Meeting items taken care of - that is - several action items were addressed. The Board took the following action:

  • Approved 7-0 the resolution above to be sent to our local legislative delegation
  • Approved 7-0  the following policies for final reading; IKE; IKD, KHB
  • Approved 6-0 with Brown abstaining, the appointment of Ozzie Ahl as the new Principal of Rock Hill High School effective the start of the second semester (pictured below).

Photo from The Rock Hill Herald
During the work session portion the Board heard: 
  • a brief update from the Facilities Master Planning Committee - either Walter Brown or Bob Norwood will be joining the committee as Board member representatives.
  • an update on the kick-off of Parent Portal during the High School Open House for the second semester. The Administration was asked if the downtime for back-ups for Power School could be done during non-school hours so staff and teachers would not be affected (they said they could comply).
  • Ann Reid gave an update on the recent State School Board meeting
  • Walter Brown reported that new state House member Tommy Pope visited Rock Hill High School and the Applied Technology Center and that state House member John King would be visiting later this week.
  • heard a presentation from district staff, teachers, and students on proposed grading changes for the school district. The Superintendent reported they would not be coming back with a recommendation this year, that is was important to continue the discussion and asked for two board members to serve on the 40 person committee. Dr. Jane Sharp volunteered and will be one member. The Board was asked to submit questions to be answered. Chairman Norwood requested the questions and answers be posted on the web site. Parent Tim Templeton asked that there be an improvement on communications to parents because the previous parents meetings were not well known.

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