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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We Get Letters

I just wanted all of you to know what a great experience the robotics club has been for Zack.  I would not have missed Friday's competition at York Technical College for the world.  Our kids just did so well and lived up to the challenges so fantastically.  The interviews were pretty intense and the whole event was go, go, go.  That kind of experience is just irreplaceable and so character building.  They had to beat the clock; act grown up and poised; make appointments; use creativity and ingenuity; be a good winner and loser; hold up under pressure etc etc.  The advisors and parents were not able to be in the interview rooms but could watch thru windows.  They were so well behaved and professional all the way down to shaking the people's hands when they left.  It was a place that this group of children were finally truly in their element and able to shine. 
Did you see them on Channel 6 AND CN2?  There was a close up of Zack working on Channel 6.  Thank you so much for sponsoring this club.  All of the children that were there were so well behaved and had...and there is no way to properly express much team spirit and team work.  I will never forget, and neither will anyone else in the building that day, when they completed the final mission, in the final round of the day, in the final second on the clock!  It was like getting the last shot of a basketball game from half court at the buzzer and the students yelled/jumped/high fived/hugged etc like any basketball team I have ever seen!! 
It was the epitome of why we are all in the jobs that we are in day after day.  It gave those kids such pride in themselves and their hard work that can never be taken away.  It says Middle schools by the way...we were the only elementary school there.  I wish they would have mentioned that somewhere!  It was a great feeling for the students to qualify for the state competition. Whether they actually go or not, they have had a wonderful experience thanks to Sunset Park Center for Accelerated Studies. :)
Thank you, thank you for all that you do.
A Parent

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