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Monday, July 23, 2012

Rock Hill School Board Extends Superintendent's contract

The Rock Hill School Board met on Monday, July 23, 2012 to discuss personnel recommendations and the Superintendents yearly evaluation. In action items, the board voted 6-0 for the following:

  • Approved the administration's recommendations for personnel changes
  • Approved a one year contract extension for the Superintendent (until June 30, 2017)
Walter Brown was home recovering from surgery and unable to attend.  After the vote, the Board Chair, Bob Norwood, read the following statement:

2012 Evaluation of Supt. Lynn P. Moody
Rock Hill Schools

The Board of Trustees of Rock Hill School District Three met this evening to conduct the Superintendent’s annual performance evaluation—a process required by the board’s contract with the Superintendent and district policy.

To accomplish this year’s evaluation, several weeks ago the board asked the superintendent to provide all board members with a written report which included her assessment of the district’s performance in a variety of areas, including the district’s performance as measured against performance goals approved by the board in October 2011. The Superintendent’s report was previously made public.

Each board member was asked to come to an Executive Session discussion focused on the Superintendent’s performance in the 2011-12 school year prepared to comment on the board members’ perception of the district’s performance in light of the Superintendent’s report along with the board members’ individual views concerning the district’s performance.

In summary, the board members are very pleased with Dr. Moody’s performance during the past year, but all board members, as well as the Superintendent, realize there is a need for continuous improvement. Obviously, student academic performance remains the district’s top priority.

The board has asked the Superintendent and her staff to provide the board with proposed goals for the 2012-13 school year, goals which address the most important challenges and needs facing the district. These proposed goals will be discussed at an upcoming board meeting and properly publicized to the community. Such goals will be among the criteria for the Superintendent’s evaluation next year.

To conclude the evaluation process, the board congratulates Dr. Moody on a difficult job well done and has unanimously agreed to extend the Superintendent’s contract an additional year or until June 30, 2017. As provided in the Superintendent’s contract, Dr. Moody will receive the same cost of living increase received by the district’s teachers, which for next year will be two percent.

                                                                              Robert “Bob” Norwood
                                                                              Chairman, Board of Trustees
July 23, 2012

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