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Monday, July 16, 2012

Rock Hill School Board Takes Money From Reserves To Balance Budget

The Rock Hill School Board met on Monday morning, July 16, 2012 to deal with last minute revenue reductions from the state legislature and Governor. In a 4-1 vote (Douglas against), the board voted to make up  $2.4 million of the shortfall by taking money from the reserve fund after verifying the fund would remain above the minimum established in District Policy. Douglas voted against because the $2.4 million was less than the requested $2.65 million. The board had previously approved $1.2 million of the amount so this was an increase of an additional $1.2 million - the amount of hold harmless money the district had been getting because of the reduction in funding as a result of Act 388.

In other action, the board approved the Administration's personnel recommendations by a vote of 5-0 (Sharp and Reid were not in attendance). Included in the recommendations was the appointment of Lesley King as an Assistant Principal for Northside Elementary School and Jill Pappas as an Assistant Principal for Rosewood Elementary School. Lesley most recently was at Robert E. Cashion Elementary School in Greenville, SC and Jill was at Red Hill Elementary School in Gypsum, CO.

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