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Monday, April 30, 2012

Purple Regiment Band Wins Award

Congratulations to Purple Regiment

Congratulations to the Northwestern High School Bands. As a result of their performances at the State Solo/Ensemble Event on Saturday, the  band has been awarded the South Carolina State Outstanding Performance Award for the 21st consecutive year. The award is presented annually to those bands that exhibit a high degree of excellence in all facets of the band program; marching, region, all-state, jazz band, concert festival and solo/ensemble. 

Mr. Wells Last Concert

The Northwestern High School Band Department will present a spring concert at 7:30 p.m. May 8 in the school auditorium. The concert is the final performance for Larry Wells, director of bands. After 18 years at Northwestern and 43 years of teaching high school band, he will retire in June. The 9th Grade Band, Concert Band and Symphonic Band will present a program of traditional, classic and contemporary band music. Among the highlights will be the traditional salute to the senior class of 2012. The concert is free and open to the public. For information, call the band office at 803-981-1225.

Read more here:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rock Hill School District Changing Apple Card Use For 2012-13

The Rock Hill School District Administration presented this change in Gold Apple Card use during the April Work Session:

Gold Card
Effective for the 2012-13 school year
1.            District Gold Apple Cards that are issued to employees may be used for discounts
at participating businesses listed on the card. The Gold Card will not be accepted
for admittance to athletic events. The employee ID badge will be accepted for
admittance to athletic events.
2.            District issued senior citizen Gold Club Cards will not be used for admittance to
sporting events. During the 2012-13 school year, when a gold club card is
presented, the holder will be given a Silver 65 card.   The new card will
replace the Gold Club Card for admittance to athletic and district events.

Additionally, when inter-district games are played, only employees who work at the competing schools will be allowed free admittance.  Previously, district employees were not given free admittance for inter-district contests (football).

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rock Hill High's Virtual Enterprise Wins Awards

Virtual Enterprise Brings Home Awards

April 27, 2012

Results from the Virtual Enterprise Trade Fair: Bearcat Merchant and Cat Tracks did an outstanding job representing Rock Hill High School. If you see one of the following employees listed below, please ask them about their competition and congratulate them on a job well done! 
Company Newsletter: 1st Bearcat Merchant – Jennifer Brown & Casey Long 2nd Cat Tracks – DJ Boger, Dominique Matthews & Michael Washington 
Human Resources: 1st Cat Tracks – Emillie Benka & Chole Johns 3rd Bearcat Merchant – Will Hinson & Jack Higginbotham(Written Employee Manual) 
Marketing Plan: 3rd Bearcat Merchant – Jennifer Brown & Casey Long 4th Cat Tracks – Emillie Benka 
Direct Sales: 3rd Cat Tracks – Emillie Benka & Chloe Johns 4th Bearcat Merchant – Jamal Blake & Gabbi Potts 
Sales Catalog Design: 3rd Bearcat Merchant - Jamal Blake, Michel’le Logan & Gabbi Potts Web Site Design 2nd Cat Tracks – Developer: Quay James 
Presenters: DJ Boger & Justin Horne Trade Fair Booth Design 2nd Cat Tracks Company (Lead Designer: Justin Horne) 3rd Bearcat Merchant Company 
Lead Designers: Austin Bailey & Casey Long Trade Fair Salesmanship 4th – Cat Tracks Company Video Commercial Presentation Cat Tracks Scored 40/40 (100%) Chloe Johns, Dominique Matthews & Tyler Wilk

What Education Leadership Looks Like

Click here for a link to the video.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Energy in Sugar

Click here for a link to the video.

3 Notes on Education Leadership

From the Education Innovation blog:

  • Big difference between letting people try and fail and letting them become failures. One is leadership, the other is neglect.

  • If you aren’t willing to be wrong, fail, admit it, learn from it, and encourage that in others…you are not ready to lead.

  • Leadership doesn’t have to be about changing the world…Leadership can be about changing someone’s day

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where Did Ye Come From?

Click here for a link to the video.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rock Hill School District News For Wednesday, April 25, 2012

From Elaine T. Baker, Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools
Summer Camp
South Pointe, with Coach Strait Herron as director, will again offer a football camp this summer for boys. Click here for details.
"Battle of the Books"
Elementary library media specialists will host the second "Battle of the Books" event on Sat., April 28, at Old Pointe Elementary School. Fourth- and fifth-graders representing 16 schools will vie for prizes and awards by showing their knowledge on 10 books chosen by media specialists. 
Recycling Program Benefits District and Schools
The district's recycling partnership with the City of Rock Hill is off to a fantastic start based on first-quarter data. Our students are learning more about how to "save our planet," and our schools are earning money for their classrooms. The district's report can be found at Report on Recycling.doc.
"Keep Calm and Make Art"
The opening of Northwestern's Advanced Placement Art Show, "Keep Calm and Make Art," will be held at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 26, in the Auditorium Gallery.
Dismissal Times for Half-Days
Students are to be dismissed on May 29 and May 30 at the times provided below:
Elementary - 11:00 a.m.
Middle - noon
High School - 12:15 p.m.
Congratulations to . . .
Director Jeri McGuffin and the BelCanto Choir from Dutchman Creek Middle School which earned ratings of superior from all three judges, including sight reading, and placed fifth at the SCMEA Choral Festival last week.
Director Lisa Kania and Sullivan Middle School's 6th and 7th Grade Choir which scored a rating of superior on its performance at the Carowinds Festival of Music on April 13.
Sullivan Middle School's faculty and staff which raised over $1100 to support the fight against breast cancer.
Upcoming Performances
Rawlinson Road Middle School Dance Concert - 6:00 p.m. Friday, April 27, school auditorium - directed by Elise Archie Donations at "Dance for YOUR Life" will be sent to TeamEmmett (, a foundation for esophageal cancer awareness and research in Nashville, Tennessee.
Elementary Honors Choir - 3:00 p.m. Sunday, May 6, sanctuary of Oakland Baptist Church - free
The choir, directed by Becky Sanderson and accompanied by Gwen Colter, is comprised of 48  fourth- and fifth-graders chosen from the district's elementary schools.
Dutchman Creek Middle School Choral Dept. - 2:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 15 - school auditorium - directed by Jeri McGuffin - donations accepted   

Classroom Without Walls

Click here for a link to the video.

When Will We Come Out of The Dark Ages?

How much longer will we continue to keep classroom resources away from our students and teachers?

Click here for a link to the video.

South Pointe's SPIN Does It Again!

SPiN Named Best Student Newspaper!

April 24, 2012

South Pointe in the News (SPiN) earned another South Carolina Scholastic Press Association Palmetto Award for best newspaper in its class this year. The SCSPA divides newspapers into four classes based on attendance. Forty-eight journalism students attended the annual SCSPA Spring Conference and Awards yesterday at the University of South Carolina.

Sports editor Wade Hopper and reporter Katherine Johnson were awarded Best Sports Story for the year in the Excellence in Scholastic Newspaper Awards (ESNA).  Layout/design editor Erin Fields earned second place for the year in the state for advertising.  Josh Davidson placed third for reviews in the spring ESNA's.

All the scholastic newspapers compete for these presigious yearly ESNA's in two divisions, based on attendance. SPiN, however, was accidentally placed in the division for schools 1,551+ and still brought home these two awards.

Sophomore Shelly Resificar won a $500 scholarship from the South Carolina's Lieutenant Governor's 2012 Bridging Generations Journalism Contest, which also awarded her Journalism I teacher Cindy Koon $250. 

Also, in Columbia, SPIN opinion editor Marie Ealy was elected to the SCSPA board for 2012-13 as the Online Representative, as was Journalism I and Creative Writing I student Kaelyn Jiran for Magazine Representative.

SPIN's online edition, SPIN Wired, was awarded a Superior Rating, the top rating awarded in the new division. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

News Update On Education Reform

Click here for a link to the video.

Rock Hill Schools April Business Meeting Notes

The Rock Hill School Board held its April Business meeting on Monday, April 23, 2012.

Laurie Benson and Dave Keely spoke to the board under citizen participation about the importance of adding additional teeth to the proposed wellness policy the board was considering. This is the first time in 14 years there have been any citizen comments on a proposed board policy.

Dr. Martha Edwards made a presentation to the board on the connection of wellness to student performance and gave examples of school districts that have implemented wellness policies and programs and how they have been able to increase academic performance and reverse the national trend of obesity.

Dr. Moody talked to the board about how a balanced wellness policy was much more than food service and included; nutrition; physical activity; health; and life style choices (tobacco, alcohol, drugs).

The board took the following action:

  • Approved the agenda with a 7-0 vote
  • Approved the administration's recommendation to promote Christopher Roorda, currently an Assistant Principal at Finley Road, to the Principal's position at Finley Road for the next school year. (Current Principal Al Bogan is retiring). The vote was 7-0
  • Approved the consent agenda with a 7-0 vote (minutes, personnel recommendations, 6 facility requests, a field study request for York Road Elementary School to go to Knoxville, TN.)
  • The board voted 5-2 (Vining and Moe against) to approve Wellness Policy - ADF for second and final reading. This came after the board defeated a motion to table until the May business meeting with a 3-4 vote (Norwood, Reid, Douglas, Brown against). Vining asked to table so comments made by Dr. Moody could be added and to clean up some policy limits other board members had suggested. Those voting against said they didn't want to discuss the policy any more.
  • The board voted 7-0 to move the May business meeting to Tuesday, May 28 to avoid a conflict with Memorial day.
The board recognized:
  • The April "Distinguished Climbers"
  • The Future Business Leaders of America Team at Rock Hill High. Charleigh Caldwell - 1st place in Client Services, Dylan Baker, Drew Bridges and Jake Walker - 2nd place in Business Presentation,  advisers: Lisa Tompkins, Pam Poag, Jennifer Molnar, Carolyn Lesslie and Paula Hough.
The board heard the following reports:
  • Ebinport Elementary School had several students showcase their Spanish language skills.
  • Richmond Drive Elementary School reported on their summer reading coalition involving the South Carolina Diversity Leadership Institute and the York County Library.
  • A brief report on the district's 135 day student count was made (numbers are up only because the district added 90 students in 4K. A comparison of year to year numbers for K-12 shows a decrease for  the second year in a row.)
  • The Superintendent reported on Leadership Development initiatives underway in the district.
  • The Superintendent reported food service outsourcing questions have been posted on the district's web site as well as the proposal request for food service.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Should We Start A Chapter Here?

Click here for a link to the video Click here for a link to Parents4publicschools

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wellness Policy - Administrative Rule - Programs

I've received some comments since my post on a vision for wellness earlier in the week. While that "vision" came while researching wellness policies, it is program - not a policy. That vision could be done today if the right groups will come together to start the planning.

The policy the board is considering should lay out the vision/goals and legal requirements. It should not be full of details.

The administrative rule should have the details the administration needs to comply with policy legal issues and to meet the vision/goals of the board, as outlined in the policy.
On another topic, loosely related to nutrition, The Herald had an article about outsourcing food service on Wednesday of this week. Fellow board member Jane Sharp and I were quoted as follows:

"At Sharp’s urging, Superintendent Lynn Moody agreed to add parent and community voices.

Sharp and school board member Jim Vining said they were surprised to learn that the two people added to represent those views have close ties to the district.

Read more here:

Vining said he was “amazed” to hear how the committee was comprised.

“I don’t think it meets the test of community representation,” he said. “About half the committee should be people without that close a tie to the district.”
Still, Vining said he values the committee members’ judgment and expects them to “make the right decision.”

Read more here:

As a point of clarification, I don't have a problem with the committee or the district's process for evaluating possible food service replacements. I did have a problem saying the committee had significant community representation, something the district has not done. I do support getting community involvement whenever possible so we can reinforce these are "community" schools.

Never-the-less, the public comments did create some internal "board" discussions. Here is an example:

"It's nice to see we have started having our meetings on the front page.  This is not the way to air this out.  At least it is not the way we have worked through these things in the past. 
By the way, you both seem to think this is going to be some kind of panacea for our kid's health. You both would be wrong. 
It is out of line to beat up the administration in the paper.  Maybe you should have the guts enough to do it when we are all together." 

What I like about this board member is you pretty much  always know where they stand - which is a good thing. They raise some good questions. Should board members discuss issues outside of meetings? Should board members ever talk to the press? The chair is the only "official" spokesperson for the board. Questions the board should try to resolve at a retreat sometime.
The proposed wellness policy will be up for second and final vote at this Monday's School Board work session. A little over a month ago, I sent the administration this recommendation, which is basically the SC State School Board Model Policy with a few revisions:



Code   ADF Issued Draft 2012

Purpose:  To establish the basic structure for the promotion of wellness in all schools in the district.

The Rock Hill School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity.

The District will  ensure the following.
  • Child nutrition programs (e.g., school lunch, school breakfast, after school snack and summer food service programs) will comply with federal, state and local requirements and will be accessible to all children.
  • Qualified child nutrition professionals will provide all students with access to a variety of affordable, nutritious and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.
  • All foods and beverages sold or served on campus will comply with the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
  • All foods made available on campus will adhere to food safety and security guidelines.
  • The school environment will be safe, comfortable and pleasing and will allow ample time and space for eating meals.
  • Nutrition education will be offered  as a part of a sequential, comprehensive standards-based health education program designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health. 
  • Students will be given opportunities for physical activity during the school day through physical education (PE) classes, daily recess periods for elementary school students, physical activity breaks and the integration of physical activity into the academic curriculum.  
  • Schools will not withhold food or beverages as a punishment.
  •  Local wellness policy goals will be considered in planning all school-based activities (such as school events and field study trips.
  • The district will maintain a Coordinated School Health Advisory Council (CSHAC) to assess, plan, implement and monitor district and school health policies and programs. The council will be comprised of members of the community, school representatives, students, parents, district food service employees, district health education and physical education coordinators, district nursing coordinators and school board members.
  • Schools should have a local coordinated school health committee comprised of students, physical education, health education and classroom teachers; school food services managers; health services personnel; guidance personnel; families; administrators and community members to plan, implement and improve nutrition and physical activity in the school environment in accordance with the district wellness policy.


Legal references:

A.     Federal Legislation:
1.       The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004.

B.     S.C Code of Laws, 1976, as amended:
  1. Students Health and Fitness Act of 2005 (Chapter 10 of Title 59: Physical Education, School Health Services and Nutritional Standards - Sections 1, 2 and 3).
  2. Section 59-29-80 - Courses in physical education; ROTC programs.
  3. Section 59-29-100 - Supervision of administration of physical education program by state superintendent of education.
  4. Section 59-32-30 (A)(1)-(3) - Local school boards to implement comprehensive health education program; guidelines and restrictions.

C.     State Board of Education Regulations:
  1. R-43-168 - Nutrition standards for elementary (K-5) school food service meals and competitive foods.
  2. R-43-231 - Defined program, grades K-5.
  3. R-43-232 - Defined program, grades 6-8.
  4. R-43-234 - Defined program, grades 9 - 12.
  5. R-43-238 - Health education requirements.

D.     State Board of Education Academic Standards:
  1. 2009 SC Health and Safety Education Academic Standards.
  2. 2008 SC Physical Education Academic Standards.

E.      Other references:
  1. National Standards for Physical Education, NASPE (National Association for Sport and Physical Education).
  2. National Health Education Standards, Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards.
  3. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
This proposal below is what is being submitted for approval. I like the simplicity of it and can support with some criteria on make-up and use of the council. 


Code   ADF Issued DRAFT March 2012
Updated after School Board Meeting 4-9-12

Purpose:  To establish the board’s vision for nutrition, physical activity and other wellness activities in the district schools in order to provide an environment that enhances learning and development of lifelong wellness practices for students and district staff.

The board believes that a goal of public education is to assist all students in reaching their full potential and that a student’s health impacts his/her school attendance, readiness to learn, potential for learning and academic achievement.

Therefore, the school district is committed to a sound, comprehensive health education program that is an integral part of each student’s general education. Major components of health education are nutrition, physical activity, and tobacco-use avoidance.

Coordinated School Health Advisory Council
The school district and/or individual schools within the district will create and work continually with a Coordinated School Health Advisory Council to develop, monitor, review and revise policies on school nutrition, health, and physical activity and includes the district wellness policies. This will be done in accordance to SC Code of Laws, Section 59-10-330.

Proposed March 2012

Legal references:

A.    Federal Legislation:
1.       The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004.
2.       Public Law 103-448, Healthy Meals for Healthy Americans Act, 1994.
3.       NASPE standards.
4.       USDA/FNS guidelines for nutritional integrity of school meals.

B.     S.C Code of Laws, 1976, as amended to include Chapter 10 of Title 59, Students Health and Fitness Act of 2005:
1.      Title 59 of the 1976 Code as amended:  Physical Education, School Health Services and Nutritional Standards - Sections 1,2, and 3.
2.      SC Code of Laws, Section 59-10-330 and SC Code of Laws, Section 59-20-60

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Old School Coach

Click here for a link to the video.

Friday, April 20, 2012

South Pointe to be on My School Rocks!

It's that time of year again!  The South Pointe High School Concert Choir will be featured on WTVI this Saturday night in a LIVE broadcase, "My School Rocks!"  Because of donations last year to WTVI in the name of SPHS, our choral program won $1,000!  

We would like you to help us again. 

Donations can be made in any amount by clicking here and following the link to South Pointe HS.


WATCH The Choir LIVE THAT NIGHT! (show starts at 7 p.m.)

Rock Hill Schools Business Meeting This Monday

Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
Monday, April 23, 2012
6:00 p.m. – District Office Board Room
 I.  Call to Order
  Approval of Agenda
(Under consent agenda, all action items will be voted on after one motion and second to approve them without
discussion.  If a board member wants any action item discussed or voted on separately, the board member, before the agenda is approved, must ask that the action item be moved to the discussion item section.)
II.   Special Business
  A. Recognition of Distinguished Climbers
  B. Recognition of FBLA Student Winners and Advisers
III. Executive Session – Personnel Matters
IV. Citizen Participation
V.   Consent Action Agenda
   A. Approval of Minutes
     1.  March 26, 2012 business meeting
     2.  April 9, 2012 work session
     3.  April 11, 2012 board retreat minutes
   B. Approval of Personnel Recommendations
   C.  Approval of Use of Facilities Requests (5)
   D.  Approval of Use of Facilities Request – World Changers
VI.   Communications - None
VII. Report of the Superintendent
  A. Announcements
  B.   Showcase Student Work – Ebinport Elementary
  C.   Wellness
  D.   Update on Summer Reading Coalition
  E.  135-Day Student Enrollment Report
  F   Leadership Development
VIII. Review of Work Session
IX.  Action Agenda
  A. Approval of Policy ADF – Wellness Policy for 2nd Reading and final reading.
  B. Rescheduling of May 28 Meeting Date because of conflict with Memorial Day
X.  Other Business
  A.  Board Communications with the community.
  B.  Legislative Update by Walter Brown
XI. Adjournment

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rock Hill High School JAG Brings Home Awards

Congratulations to the following state winners  for their team effort in making this year’s Career Development Conference a great success: 

1st Place - “ Vocabulary Words in the Work Place” - Jasmine Crockett 

1st Place - Written Essay – Kali Thomas 

1st Place - Theme Poster Drawing – Jerald Barber 

2nd Place – Career Display / Presentation – Tashawna Willis and Tyesha Judge 3rd Place – Public Speaking – Jessica Sanders 

3rd Place – Poetry Theme Entry – To’Ashley Boulware 

This past Friday, April 13th, JAG students participated in the South Carolina JAG Career Development Conference in Columbia, South Carolina. The CDC provided students the opportunity of experiencing a taste of the "real world" by participating in competitive events related to the skills that are necessary for success in the workforce. 

The theme of this year's conference was “If it is to be, it is up to me!" Rock Hill High brought home 7 trophies – 3 first place, 1 second place and 2 third place; giving them the overall highest number of points making them “State Champs”! 

In addition to the trophies, Cody Best received the Executive Director’s Award; which is awarded to students who have shown real growth in personal and career development through participation in the JAG program.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Walking on Egg Shells

Click here for a link to the video.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Input Needed For Rock Hill Schools Wellness Policy

I've had a few comments on my blog post about what could be an outcome of a school/community wellness partnership. That view is not defined in the proposed wellness policy for the Rock Hill School District.

If you have an opinion on the proposed policy (School Wellness Policy ADF Draft for 4-9-12.doc), be sure to send comments to Elaine Baker at the school district office (information below).  Additionally, you should speak to the board at the April Business meeting next Monday (April 23, 2012). To speak, arrive before the 6 pm start-time and fill out a request to speak. You will be given up to 3 minutes. The final vote on this policy is scheduled for this meeting.

From the Rock Hill School District Web Site:
At its meeting on March 26, the school board gave first reading to a new policy, ADF, "School Wellness."
Before the board considers approving this policy, the board is interested in feedback from the local community. Citizens who wish to comment on Policy ADFshould e-mail or call Information Services at (803) 981-1005 before 10 am on April 18, 2012.

Rock Hill School District News For Monday, April 16, 2012

From Elaine T. Baker. Director of Information Services, Rock Hill Schools

"Lady Bearcat" Summer Volleyball Camp

Rock Hill High School, under the direction of P.E. teacher and coach, Cindy Elder, will host a "Lady Bearcat" Summer Volleyball Camp on the mornings of June 11-14. The camp will be for girls ages 10-14. 
Summer Camp Fair Set for April 20
The district's Parent Educators and ParentSmart will co-host a  Summer Camp Fair for parents on April 20 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon at the Family Resource Center at 410 E. Black Street. Representatives from the following local camps and organizations will provide information:  Arts Council of York County, Boys & Girls Clubs of York County, Bethelwoods, Camp Thunderbird, Camp Wildwood, Celebration Cottage, Charlotte Knights, Cultural and Heritage Museums, FCA Power Camp, Manchester Summer Movie Express, R.A.I.S.E., ROAR Sports, Thomas Gymnastics, Westminster Academy of the Arts, Worthy Boys & Girls Camp, YMCA of York County and York County Library.
"Finley's Got Talent"
Students in grades 1-5 at Finley Road Elementary will perform their 22nd Annual Spring Music Show, "Finley's Got Talent," at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 19, in the South Pointe Auditorium. Directed by Terri Westphal, the show will be the school's own take on a reality talent show with the faculty and staff getting into the act. Admission will be free.
Rock Hill High Thespians to Perform "The Election"
Rock Hill High School's Advanced Acting Class, directed by Stephanie Daniels, will present "The Election" by Don Zolidis April 19 and April 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. This new play is a hilarious and timely satire on the contemporary political scene in a high school. RHHS was chosen as the school to perform this play for its Southeastern premiere. Tickets will be $5.
Congratulations to . . .
The Children's School on being the recipient of three grants from the PPG Industries Foundation totaling $2,772.
Stephon Gilmore, a graduate of South Pointe High School and a talented football player at South Pointe and at the University of South Carolina, who's been invited to the National Football League draft on April 26 at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Stephon's invitation stated that he is one of the highest-rated players in this year's draft.
ATC Student Designs Promotional Poster

Dr. Gloria Houston, an award-winning author of children's books and an internationally known educator, will be in The White Home Gift Shop at 258 E. White Street from 2-4 pm Sunday, April 22, for a book signing. The promotional poster for this event was designed by Rickey Gist, a digital art and design student of Michelle Soto at the Applied Technology Center.
Purchases to Benefit Children in Need
Nishie G's Cafe at 706 Mt. Gallant Road will host a "Cheer for Children Spirit Night" from 4-8 pm on Tuesday, April 17 (eat in or take out). "Cheer for Children," a well-known local program which helps hundreds of children in need, will get 15% of each purchase.

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