Monday night the Rock Hill School Board will get an update on the districts initiative called IROCK. Their attempt to use IPADs in the classroom and a move toward 1 to 1 learning. I wonder if any of the items in the three articles below will be mentioned?
From the Education Technology Guy:
Earlier this month, I wrote "10 Important Skills Students Need for the Future." After reading a few articles about specific tech skills, I thought I write what I think are the 10 Important Tech Skills Students Need.
1. Internet Search - students need to know how to do a proper internet search, using search terms and modifiers. This skill is needed for school, work and life in general.
Tips on Better Searches (from Google)
Infographic on Better Searches
Common Craft Video on Web Search Strategies
2. Office Suite Skills - students need to now how to create, edit, and modify documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. Businesses still use MS Office for the most part, but iWorks, OpenOffice / LibreOffice, and Google Docs are all getting more popular. They all work similarly so the learning curve when switching isn't that big.
Alternatives to MS Office
Free Alternatives to Paid Software
3. Self learning of tech and where to go for help - knowing how to search a help menu on software or hardware, where to go to find user forums for help, and where to find the manual for technology is a huge skill that many do not know about.
Free Tech Tips and Help
TechEase - technology tips
Online Tech Tips - hardware, software, and more
Tech Support help
4. Typing - yes, typing. I can get much more work done since I know how to type, than people who don't. It's a skill that is necessary for any kind of writing.
Learn to Type
5. Social Media - how to properly use social media for school and work, how to protect yourself on it, the issues of cyberbullying, connecting with others in your profession (PLN).
Twitter, Google+, Facebook comparison
Twitter, Facebook, RSS, Email, Google+ - tips on use
Facebook and Google+ security and privacy
Common Craft Video on Social Media
Create a Personal Learning Network
6. Netiquette - Internet/Email/Social Media etiquette - proper way to use the internet, write professional emails, use social media in relation to your job (not complaining about the boss).
Netiquette - Wikipedia
7. Security and Safety - antivirus, spam, phishing, too much personal information sharing, stalkers, and more are all issues they need to know about.
Internet Safety Resources
Google Family Safety Center
Google Good to Know online safety and internet data
Common Craft Video on Secure Passwords
8. Hardware basics and troubleshooting - knowing what different parts of technology are called, how to make minor fixes, and how to do basic troubleshooting for WiFi, networks, OS won't load, etc.
Free Tech Tips and Help
TechEase - technology tips
Online Tech Tips - hardware, software, and more
Tech Support help
9. Backup data - with all of the data that students create for school and work, it is important to back it up and have access to it at any time.
Backup your Data - tools and resources
Google Takeout - export your Google data
10. Finding apps and software - how to find, evaluate, and use apps for school and business. Also, how to find quality, free alternatives to paid software, apps and services.
Quixey - Search engine for apps
Free Alternatives to Paid Software
Google Apps Resources
Free Apps
On device apps/software vs. web apps
SmartPhone Experts - apps, reviews, tech tips, and more for all smartphones
Click here for a link to the video.From the Education Technology Guy:
10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have
Earlier this month, I wrote "10 Important Skills Students Need for the Future." After reading a few articles about specific tech skills, I thought I write what I think are the 10 Important Tech Skills Students Need.
1. Internet Search - students need to know how to do a proper internet search, using search terms and modifiers. This skill is needed for school, work and life in general.
Tips on Better Searches (from Google)
Infographic on Better Searches
Common Craft Video on Web Search Strategies
2. Office Suite Skills - students need to now how to create, edit, and modify documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. Businesses still use MS Office for the most part, but iWorks, OpenOffice / LibreOffice, and Google Docs are all getting more popular. They all work similarly so the learning curve when switching isn't that big.
Alternatives to MS Office
Free Alternatives to Paid Software
3. Self learning of tech and where to go for help - knowing how to search a help menu on software or hardware, where to go to find user forums for help, and where to find the manual for technology is a huge skill that many do not know about.
Free Tech Tips and Help
TechEase - technology tips
Online Tech Tips - hardware, software, and more
Tech Support help
4. Typing - yes, typing. I can get much more work done since I know how to type, than people who don't. It's a skill that is necessary for any kind of writing.
Learn to Type
5. Social Media - how to properly use social media for school and work, how to protect yourself on it, the issues of cyberbullying, connecting with others in your profession (PLN).
Twitter, Google+, Facebook comparison
Twitter, Facebook, RSS, Email, Google+ - tips on use
Facebook and Google+ security and privacy
Common Craft Video on Social Media
Create a Personal Learning Network
6. Netiquette - Internet/Email/Social Media etiquette - proper way to use the internet, write professional emails, use social media in relation to your job (not complaining about the boss).
Netiquette - Wikipedia
7. Security and Safety - antivirus, spam, phishing, too much personal information sharing, stalkers, and more are all issues they need to know about.
Internet Safety Resources
Google Family Safety Center
Google Good to Know online safety and internet data
Common Craft Video on Secure Passwords
8. Hardware basics and troubleshooting - knowing what different parts of technology are called, how to make minor fixes, and how to do basic troubleshooting for WiFi, networks, OS won't load, etc.
Free Tech Tips and Help
TechEase - technology tips
Online Tech Tips - hardware, software, and more
Tech Support help
9. Backup data - with all of the data that students create for school and work, it is important to back it up and have access to it at any time.
Backup your Data - tools and resources
Google Takeout - export your Google data
10. Finding apps and software - how to find, evaluate, and use apps for school and business. Also, how to find quality, free alternatives to paid software, apps and services.
Quixey - Search engine for apps
Free Alternatives to Paid Software
Google Apps Resources
Free Apps
On device apps/software vs. web apps
SmartPhone Experts - apps, reviews, tech tips, and more for all smartphones
From edutopia:
Five Tips for New Teachers to Become Connected Educators
AUGUST 7, 2012
This month, the U.S. Department of Education kicked off Connected Educator Month, with engaging keynotes, panel discussions, book chats, and more. During this month, educators in the U.S. and globally will have opportunities to connect themselves and their communities, online and in-person, to support their professional practice. The timing couldn't be better, as most teachers are preparing to hit the ground running as they gear up for back-to-school!
While the idea of being or becoming a connected educator is important, as a new teacher, this may seem completely overwhelming. There are resources in abundance for this month of learning, such as the CEM Starter Kit and theConnected Educator Month Calendar. These sites are packed with wonderful information, truly enough to get the head of a new teacher spinning!
Having said that, I'd like to chunk this Connected Educator Learning Month opportunity into five educator "Be-Attitudes" that might be easier for a new or pre-service teacher to embrace.
Be sure to read each one and give us some feedback.
1) Be Able to Define What It Means to Be a Connected Educator
What is a Connected Educator? Great question, because this is the piece that needs defining. As a new teacher, take the time to figure that out for yourself. Don't be surprised if you aren't quite sure. Let your personal meaning evolve as you make your discoveries. Here are some resources to help get you started:What is a Connected Educator? (excerpt); Connectedness as a Standard; A Day in the Life of a Connected Educator (infographic); What's a PLN?; andBuilding Relationships as a Connected Educator. Read each one and/or view the resources. Then reflect on the question. Does it make more sense now?
2) Be Knowledgeable about Web 2.0
What is Web 2.0? Take a minute to read this great definition from the K12 Learning 2.0 Wiki:
The term "Web 2.0" can be applied across broad categories of emerging technology tools and design principles, social and economic shifts, business philosophies, participatory media and culture, etc. . . . Web 2.0 tools (blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networking and social bookmarking sites, tagging, photo- and video-sharing, RSS, etc. . . .) are collaborative, Internet-based and user-driven. They include platforms and tools for publishing, connecting, sharing, organizing and remixing. They are social.
A popular synonym for "Web 2.0" is the "Read/Write" web, which suggests that users are contributing, creating and collaborating rather than justconsuming web content. "Web 1.0" or the "Read-Only" web was a place where the average user didn't publish content, because it required technical knowledge (HTML and other programming code) and money (to purchase server space and software). Web 2.0 tools allow users to easily participate and to customize their online experiences.
Now . . . what can we derive from this? How will you apply it? Take a minute and write that answer out for yourself. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise to discover that Web 2.0 is about Web-based technologies that, at their core, are social and work to connect people and ideas. All of which I think is pretty amazing!
3) Be Willing to Join a Social Media Network
As a new teacher, you may at times feel isolated. The power of an online community is that you can probably find someone else who'd like some company. More than that, it's a way to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You can also freely contribute, or ask a question. For starters, consider joining our New Teacher Connections Group here on Edutopia. You can also find other great communities such as The Educator's PLN, which will offer wonderful opportunities to connect to resources you may have never known existed!
And don't stop there! I encourage you to take the leap of joining Twitter. Twitter is an online social media networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, informally known as "tweets." Twitter is a powerful social media tool for educators and can be a huge source of support for new teachers. If you aren't yet on Twitter, check out Sue Waters' guide to Twitter. Her post will walk you through the process of setting up your account.
Once you're there, read about hashtags and how they work, and start following#ntchat (New Teacher Chat) to get timely resources tweeted by the educational community, crafted more specifically for new teachers. Let us know when you take the leap and join by tweeting "I joined Twitter!" with the #ntchat hashtag.
4) Become a Blogger
I often hear excuses from new teachers as to why they don't blog: "It's too hard. I'm too tired. I just don't have anything to say." I hope that during this month of focus on connected educators, you will consider ditching those excuses. Many teachers are blogging, and I can't say enough about the power of blogging in your life as a new teacher. It will help you reflect, get feedback, collaborate . . . and connect! I was a novice blogger two years ago, and I'm pleased to share that my blogging experience will always be a journey of discovery -- I kind of like that. Check out my blog, and the "Blogs I Follow" list (in the right hand column of my home page) to get a feel for what others are doing with this medium.
Here are two resources to consider in this process: Blogs in Plain English andHere's My Blogging Story! What's Yours? Take a minute to read and view, then reflect on the idea of where and how to start. There are awesome blogging platforms available on the web. Pick one that speaks to you such as Blogger,Tumblr or Edublogs, and give it try. Need some topic ideas? Look no further than your own current experience.
Remember: "One of the best ways to build your personal learning network is to become a blogger and use your blog to network with others." - CEM Starter Kit
5) Be Reflective and Reach Out
When you look back on the journey of this month, you'll find that you need to share your experiences. I want you to capture these reflections in a journal, on your blog, or with an online diary. The ability of a journal to allow for personal reflections is a gift. In the process of your own journal writing, you will come up with great ideas of how to do this in the future with your students.
For a quick, easy way to journal, use your blog! Or check out Penzu orLiveJournal. Both are free and fun. Now . . . write a short, reflective post sharing what you gained in your month-long journey towards becoming a Connected Educator. Are you in?
From Teach Hub:
Top 12 Ways Technology Changed Learning
In the 21st century, technology has changed the ways in which we communicate and go about our lives. Very few educators would disagree with the notion that technology has dramatically changed the teaching and learning process.
With the help of some fellow teachers, here is a short list of the top 12 ways technology has changed the way we learn:
Communication Evolution
Because we text, our students have learned a dialect that we don't always understand. Kids communicate in many different modalities as a result of technology. Maybe it’s 2M2H (too much to handle) for some adults :-)
Expanding Audience
Students' sense of audience is completely different. When I was in high school in the 1980's, the audience was the teacher. When I started teaching high school in 1988, the audience was the teacher and peers. In the 21st century, it's the WORLD. Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, and other online platforms changed our notion of audience.
Poster Boards: A Thing of the Past
Do you remember the history or science fair presentation boards that we created? Web 2.0 tools like Glogster have changed this experience. Glogster is a platform where students can create a multimedia "glog" or poster to demonstrate what they know and understand about a topic.
Bye Bye to 3-Ring Binders
There's no need to carry around a bulky three binder anymore. A computer, tablet computer can keep all of those files and handouts in neat folders. There's also a web 2.0 tool, LiveBinders that allows users to create a binder online.
Interactive Textbooks
The way that we think of textbooks is completely changing. It is no longer limited to merely text and pictures. Today’s textbooks often have web-based sites that include assessments, animations, additional materials, videos, and other materials to support the learning of new content.
eBooks on the Rise
Speaking of textbooks, ebooks are becoming more prevalent in schools with the advancements of e-readers and tablet computers. I think in the near future that students won’t carry around big bulky backpacks filled with heavy textbooks.
No More Note Passing
I’m not sure if this is directly connected to learning, but we don’t pass notes in class anymore. Students text one another instead.
Disappearance of the Chalk Board
Much attention has been placed on interactive gaming as a powerful platform for student learning. Every day, new programs and web-based tools are teaching our students content that was once paper or chalkboard based.
Assistive Tech for Better Communication
Voice recognition software has improved greatly in the past few years and is more accessible. Children with special needs and limited English proficiency are able to more effective communicate in language based contexts.
The iPad: A Game Changer
iPads are such adaptable and powerful tools for teaching and learning. There are so many applications but I think the most powerful and exciting aspect is the enhancement of learning experiences for students with special needs, particularly those on the autism spectrum.
Extended Classroom Communities
Technology facilitates our ability to extend classroom community by using web-based platforms like Edmodo. Teachers and students can use this platform to discuss homework, post assignments, and interact with peers as they work on projects.
Rise of Web-Based Research
We still use libraries, but so much of our research and learning is now more web-based. What used to take hours in the library to find, we find instantaneously. As a result, we need to sort through huge amounts of information efficiently. We know how to get and use information. I would argue that because it takes less time to find information, we spend more time digesting, thinking, and learning about new information.
Meeting the Needs of All Learners
As educators, we know the power of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Technology facilitates our ability to meet the needs of all kinds of learners.
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